Where Experience Matters The Most

Saturday, October 10, 2009

" Prem Rawats Keynote address at Parliament Of Australia"

Prem Rawat at Australia’s Parliament House on the United Nations’ International Day of Peace.
Prem Rawat delivered the keynote address at a special event at Parliament House in Canberra, Australia, on September 22, on the occasion of the United Nations’ International Day of Peace.
The event was emceed by Paul McDonald, Executive Director of the Committee for Economic Development of Australia. CEDA, Australia’s leading economic think tank, engages leaders from business, government, academia, and community organizations in emerging policy debates.
Welcoming the attendees, Helen Disney, President of the Capital Territory Chapter of the United Nations’ Association of Australia, said, "This International Day of Peace marks our individual and collective commitment and progress towards building cultures of peace above all interests and differences. Individuals and nations, acting in a peaceful manner, do make a difference in the quality of our lives, institutions, environment, and future on earth. Through peace, we have a possibility to manifest the essential spirit that unites us amid our diverse ways."

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