Look at the situation of the world today. How much money is spent developing arms so that they can destroy efficiently with deadly accuracy. And how much money is spent for peace? Mostly the money spent on peace is in awards- "Peace Award".
When I talk to people about peace, they get skeptical. They say, with all the greed in this world, with all the anger in this world, peace is not possible. If peace is not possible then we have nothing to be proud of, because if we have not established peace, we will have a fundamental problem. On one hand we feed the generations and on the other hand we prepare to kill them. That's a very strange dichotomy.
Do you understand what your calling from within has been. Once Socrates said, "Know Thyself" because you are the source of what you are looking for. Do I have a vision for peace? No. I have something more, and very humbly I say to you, what you are looking for is within you. Turn within and you will feel the peace.
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