This Blog is dedicated to Maharaji, My Truest Friend....I am posting here Maharaji's Lecture, Photos etc. so that anyone, who is interested to know "what the real possibility of life is", can be benefited.......Enjoy Your Existence......It is not a mere word or Philosophy, It is what Maharaji made possible in my Life. Experiencing Inner PEACE is something We can Proud Of....
Where Experience Matters The Most
Where Experience Matters The Most
Friday, October 30, 2009
"Forgotten Opportunity"
I hope what I have to say is going to help you in this journey of life. If it could simplify your life even a little bit, that would make me very happy. I’m talking about something that is so simple—your life, your existence, the gift of breath that comes into you, leaves, and comes again. The fact that you’re alive is so simple.
How did it get so complicated? Even though I can say it’s simple, and it is simple, how is it that it doesn’t feel simple, that it feels very complicated? There are all the things that you have heard, that you think about, that you look forward to or don’t look forward to. How does it get so complicated?
Look at the simplicity, and it’s there. The breath comes. You wake up in the morning, and you find yourself alive. It’s not like you have to put in a bunch of coins: “Let me be alive, I’ve got the money.” You find yourself awake. Then you start thinking about all the things you have to do that day, all the schedules you have to keep, all the things you have to remember, all the things that are important and not important. Thus begins your day. And somewhere, the simplicity of being alive is lost.
Make it simple. Exist, accept, understand this moment now. What’s going to happen, what’s not going to happen—just take it one moment at a time. Begin with the basics of who you are.
Look around you. Do you realize there is no other planet like earth for light years around? There are planets that are full of dirt, too hot, too cold, too far, too strange, too violent. The one you live on is magnificent. This one glows blue, has beautiful clouds, lightning you can see from outer space.
Can you ignore and not be thankful for even one minute, one day, that you exist on this beautiful planet? That you are who you are? On this beautiful earth you are alive. See the goodness in you; recognize the goodness in others. You and I get to be alive. People say, “Nah, I’ve got this problem, that problem.” You are devotees of your problems. This is what you think about.
We are on this magnificent earth, with technologies you cannot imagine: vapor rising from the salty ocean, wind blowing it and carrying it over land, then sweet fresh water raining down. A planet so incredible that all you need is a few seeds and a little water, and it’ll feed you. It’ll take care of you.
Here, the perfect distance from the sun is a beautiful light for night called the moon; the breeze, the ocean, the birds, the fauna and the flora—divinity dancing in the wind. Beauty. Out of nowhere. A show of all shows. And for me to exist in this time, I cannot help but to feel gratitude. Don’t ask me for whom. The gratitude wells up, a letter that needs no address. It is a matter of the heart from where this letter comes and to whom this letter will go. But it is my letter to express my gratitude every single day. We have forgotten what it means—the opportunity to be alive, to have the privilege to be able to take this breath.
A lot of people say, “That’s too simple. Talk to me about something my brain can dig into.” I don’t want to. Your brain has already done enough damage in your own life. You have forgotten what you were searching for. You look, and every day you hope. Then all of a sudden, everything comes tumbling down. This is what is going on right now. Optimism and dire panic. Failure and non-acceptance of failure. Greed. Economic crises happen because of greed. As long as there is greed, there will be crises happening again and again and again.
When you recognize this breath, your heart will fill with gratitude, and when it does, you will be successful. That’s true success. Not doubt, not fear. But clarity, simplicity, understanding. I want to enjoy every day I have, all the days I can.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
"A Seed That Grows"
Almost everyone is looking for something, running after one thing or another. It can get really frantic. But the person who is longing for what the heart wants has everything. That person has no need to be sad. Good wishes come every day in every breath. The person who feels gratitude for that celebrates each breath, each moment.
Traditionally, we celebrate birthdays with a cake and candles. However old we are, we place that many candles. We get very excited to blow out the candles, but what is being represented? If you think about it, it is all the years that are gone that are being blown away. And it's not just one year that's gone, it's every day—every breath—that passed by. How many moments, how many breaths, have we saved and appreciated? What we lose, we lose for a lifetime. Those moments will never come back. And what we save, we save for a lifetime.
This is about hope. You have the possibility to enjoy each moment. Look at the trees and plants that you see around you. They are the ones that made it. They came from the wisdom of the seed that grew. There were other seeds that didn't grow. They were in the same place as the trees you see, but they didn't take. You can be a seed that grows.
The whole world around us is made from what grew, not what didn't. Don't pay attention to what isn't. Pay attention to what is. So, what is? In the middle of our pain, our suffering, we have this life, this body. In the middle of all that, there is the breath that is coming in and out. We need to pay attention to that, to what is, not to the time that has passed. That's gone.
We don't have the time that hasn't come yet, either. We only have today. Tomorrow will come, and what will happen then? A breath will come and then another breath will come. The coming and going of this breath is the gift. It's not about what's gone; it's about appreciating this life, one breath at a time. It's about you—your life—not the life of the other people around you. It's just about you.
What is important is recognizing the gift you have. When you go to an airport or train station to meet someone, you wait until you recognize them before running up to greet them. Recognition is important. When there is no recognition of the heart's thirst to be fulfilled, what I am talking about doesn't make sense. When your heart starts to recognize that thirst, you can move toward joy in your life.
The greatest thing in life is that as human beings we can experience supreme joy. For people who want this joy, who want to fulfill their lives, there will be joy and more joy. Just relax and enjoy the journey of life.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
"Giving and Receiving" (Must Read)
Life itself is an opportunity—the truest opportunity. We only have one. The breath coming into us—this is the definition of opportunity. Sometimes we need to be reminded of that to keep our focus clear, to remember what is real.
In this vast jungle, it is not necessary to cut down the trees or learn the art of walking through forests and mountains. Do what you have to do. Go over whatever mountains you need to go over. Go around all the trees that you have to go around. Find your way around the rivers, through the gorges. Build your bridges. Do whatever you have to do. Just remember one thing. Remember your direction. If you lose your direction, you'll go around in a big circle.
So often that's what we do. We don't have a built‑in compass. As soon as we lose our direction, we end up making a giant circle and then find ourselves in exactly the same spot we started. For some people, this happens again and again. The first thing to learn from that is that you have lost your direction. You have forgotten your priority in life—to be content.
Breath brings a sweet message to you again and again: "Keep your priorities straight and be content in this life. This is what you can achieve; this is what you should do." But there's a whole world out there, barking at you, "Ah, but that's not all. You should do this and you should do that. Make more money. Get better at this and get better at that."
What message is there reminding you what each breath means? Think about the Titanic when it was sinking. As long as the hull was not compromised, the beautifully set tables, the music, and the gourmet food were wonderful. When the hull was compromised, and tables and pianos started shifting, it was a different story. When the chandeliers started coming down, no one was saying, "What a beautiful falling chandelier." All these things had become a liability. It can happen in a flash.
When the priority in life is straight, all these beautiful things are assets. When the basics of life are compromised, everything becomes a liability. What do you want in your life?
We just have to remember that life is a beautiful journey. We need to learn the art of receiving and giving. If you only know how to receive love but not how to give it, you cannot love. If you only know how to give love but not how to receive it, you cannot love. You have to know both. When you do, you will know what love is all about.
If you only know how to receive breath but not give thanks, you will never understand the value of breath. Each breath deserves gratitude. It is a feeling. "Yes. It happened." When you can feel that gratitude, you will truly start receiving in your life.
What is so beautiful about this is that it is happening every day. Receive and give. Give your gratitude and receive the ultimate gift in existence. Learn to receive; learn to give. Learn to understand. Then the cycle flows.
"Maharaji at the United Nations Association of Malaysia":
"Peace Is Possible"
There is a story of a man who loved parrots and wanted to raise special ones. So he bought three parrot eggs, and as they grew, he taught them music, physics, and mathematical formulas. When they were older, they could recite these formulas and quack Beethoven’s symphony perfectly. But one day the man died, and someone put them in a tree outside. They crawled up the branches, looking around their new home.
Then they saw another parrot and said to him, “We know everything. We can recite this formula and that formula.” The other parrot saw a cat approaching and said, “Do you know how to fly?” “Of course we know how to fly. When pressure is created at the bottom of the wing, and there is low pressure at the top, we can fly.” He said, “No, not the formula—do you really know how to fly?” “But we know so much, what difference could it make?” “The one thing you don’t know you really do need to know, and because you don’t know that, all you know isn’t going to do you any good.”
What is the significance of this story? The significance is that we have accomplished a lot in this world, but if we haven’t accomplished the one thing that is so fundamental to us, all that we have accomplished isn’t going to help us.
People are crying out for peace. Peace is not a luxury. Peace is as important as breathing air, eating food, and having shelter, because it is the fundamental necessity of every heart on the face of this earth. Peace is not a new concept. As long as there have been wars, there has been a voice that has called out again and again for peace. True peace, real peace—a peace that is experienced by every individual.
Peace is our foundation, but we have not discovered it. We have learned the technology to go to the moon, but we haven’t explored the inner self. This is where you will find your peace. This is where you will find the reality that is with you wherever you go.
Peace begins with every individual and with the recognition of this heart, this life, this existence. We have always known that. It is time to stop hiding from the reality and open the gate for everyone to fulfill their fundamental wish for peace. This is our time.
Remember one thing: if human beings can start wars, they surely can make peace. There is no “they” that will bring peace to us. Peace is not going to come in a package or a box. Peace is not going to come as rain from the heavens. The possibility of peace has already been given to every human being on earth.
We have to discover it—discover within the need for peace—and then create an environment where people can be free to feel that peace in their lives.
It begins with each one of us. A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step. It will happen one step at a time, and that one step begins with you. If you can take that first step in your life, you can complete the journey of a thousand miles. And yes, peace is possible.
There is a story of a man who loved parrots and wanted to raise special ones. So he bought three parrot eggs, and as they grew, he taught them music, physics, and mathematical formulas. When they were older, they could recite these formulas and quack Beethoven’s symphony perfectly. But one day the man died, and someone put them in a tree outside. They crawled up the branches, looking around their new home.
Then they saw another parrot and said to him, “We know everything. We can recite this formula and that formula.” The other parrot saw a cat approaching and said, “Do you know how to fly?” “Of course we know how to fly. When pressure is created at the bottom of the wing, and there is low pressure at the top, we can fly.” He said, “No, not the formula—do you really know how to fly?” “But we know so much, what difference could it make?” “The one thing you don’t know you really do need to know, and because you don’t know that, all you know isn’t going to do you any good.”
What is the significance of this story? The significance is that we have accomplished a lot in this world, but if we haven’t accomplished the one thing that is so fundamental to us, all that we have accomplished isn’t going to help us.
People are crying out for peace. Peace is not a luxury. Peace is as important as breathing air, eating food, and having shelter, because it is the fundamental necessity of every heart on the face of this earth. Peace is not a new concept. As long as there have been wars, there has been a voice that has called out again and again for peace. True peace, real peace—a peace that is experienced by every individual.
Peace is our foundation, but we have not discovered it. We have learned the technology to go to the moon, but we haven’t explored the inner self. This is where you will find your peace. This is where you will find the reality that is with you wherever you go.
Peace begins with every individual and with the recognition of this heart, this life, this existence. We have always known that. It is time to stop hiding from the reality and open the gate for everyone to fulfill their fundamental wish for peace. This is our time.
Remember one thing: if human beings can start wars, they surely can make peace. There is no “they” that will bring peace to us. Peace is not going to come in a package or a box. Peace is not going to come as rain from the heavens. The possibility of peace has already been given to every human being on earth.
We have to discover it—discover within the need for peace—and then create an environment where people can be free to feel that peace in their lives.
It begins with each one of us. A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step. It will happen one step at a time, and that one step begins with you. If you can take that first step in your life, you can complete the journey of a thousand miles. And yes, peace is possible.
"The Basic Wish"
Coming back from a tour recently, it was very foggy driving home. We had to drive so slow. The fog was very thick—like soup—and we couldn’t see. Being in that fog reminded me of what happens to us. When the fog comes, it obscures our vision and stops us from seeing what we need to see to proceed on this path of life.
This is important because this is but one life. It isn’t just, “Here I am.” This is everything. It isn’t a question of comparison, of my problems, my dramas, my traumas. Is this a better day? Will tomorrow be a better day?
It is that you exist, that you are alive. It is about listening and understanding your own passion. Your passion. For me, it is to be quiet enough to begin to hear what my heart is trying to tell me. There is a lot going on, calling me, “Do this; do this; do this.” There are a lot of things that disguise themselves as “fun,” but my life, my existence, is not about the “fun.” It is about feeling contentment, feeling joy. These are the needs of every human being—the wants, the desires, the wishes—above and beyond everything else.
People talk about noise pollution and air pollution, but there is a real pollution; it’s called “thought pollution.” A person is constantly bombarded, “This is important; that’s important; yes, that’s important.”
Do you realize what is being sacrificed? Your time on the face of this earth. Your possibility of being fulfilled every moment is being sacrificed. And only you can answer this question: Can you afford that? What is the most important thing to you?
I realize that I cannot afford the fog, and that’s a good realization. Drama, trauma comes—I cannot afford that. I want to understand the passion of my heart. Somehow, this person was created and given the ability to feel. And of all the things that I can feel, I can feel joy, I can feel peace, I can feel that feeling within me, and that is the most magnificent.
What is the basic wish that has already been given to you? Listen to it. Understand what it is saying, how it is addressing you. Then you can fulfill it. But first you need to know what it is. And it has always been the same.
Unless that one thing is fulfilled, all the explanations and ideas can be there, but if that basic and fundamental need is not fulfilled, what is the point? And who are you going to rely on? This is something that you have to do. You have to understand that this is your life. You can make it happen—that joy, that beauty—every day in your life. And it’s very easy. A lot of people think the only way it will happen is if I change the world around me. That’s not easy.
People think they need to change their kids or their job or retire. Waiting—just think of all the things you’re waiting for. You don’t have to wait anymore. You don’t have to change all the things outside; you can’t. All you need to do is change your priorities. Just rearrange. Take the priority to be content and put it at the very top. That’s all.
Contentment in your life is very possible. That is your possibility. Recognize it. Understand it. Grow with it every day. This is one of those things that does not stop growing. There is no limit. There is no limit to enjoyment.
There is no limit to clarity. There is no limit to joy. There is no limit to truest learning. There is no limit to understanding. You can never say, “I understand this too much.” There is a limit to ignorance, but what limit is there to understanding? Understand every day that there is a beauty that I can fill myself with today. Again and again and again.
"Walking The Path Of Life"
When you look at what we have been given, it is so beautiful and so simple. We’ve been given a life—no books, no baggage, nothing. There is a saying that as we come into this world, that’s how we leave: with nothing. Everything else that burdens us, we have picked up along the way and put it in our bag of tricks. We think these things are important. I’m not here to debate whether they are or not, because it would be an endless debate.
I have an analogy. Life is a path. It has a distinct start and a distinct end. As you walk this path, you plant seeds. There is no rule for what seeds to plant where, but you plant seeds. And as you keep walking and planting more seeds, all of a sudden, the fruits of the seeds that you planted earlier will begin to appear before you.
So the question becomes: what kind of seeds have you been planting? A lot of people say, “I haven’t planted any seeds.” That’s not true. Every step you walk on this path of life, you plant a seed. You have no choice. If you have been planting seeds of compassion, love, kindness, gratitude, understanding, contentment, serenity, clarity, you will have a nice feast.
If you say, “I haven’t been planting any seeds,” that is the first seed of unconsciousness. And if you have been planting seeds of unconsciousness, anger, hate, confusion, doubt, questions, then you will have really bad food in this life. That is my experience of how it is.
Can anybody else eat from the seed of kindness that I plant? No. Only I will eat from it. Others plant their own. And those seeds that are planted from the feeling of the heart are incredibly delicious.
Walk this life taking every step deliberately. The opportunity we have is to fulfill ourselves, to experience joy, to experience peace every day. The real peace. The peace that nobody can take away from you, that cannot be cut, stolen, or diminished. That is the real peace.
There is an infinite treasure within you. The story of life begins and ends with you. This is your story, your path. Nobody else can come down this path of life you are walking on—you are the lone traveler on it. This life is a gift for you and you alone. You cannot give this breath, this time you have, to anybody else. No one is allowed to do so.
Prem Rawat
The one you truly are in love with is within inside of you, and by its very nature cannot leave you until the end of your life. By its very nature, the breath that is coming to you every moment is inseparable from you. Fall in love with it because it is beautiful. The reality of being conscious, of being alive, is simple. Peace is there. Truth is there. It has always been there inside of you. Pay attention to your life. It’s the only one you’ve got.
You want to be a good mother or father? First, be a good human being. What does it mean to be a good human being? A human being needs to be in peace. That is my definition of a good human being. Everything else follows, or doesn’t. It doesn’t matter.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
"The Greatest Play On Earth"
This world is the stage—planet earth. On this stage, a play is going to happen. In this play, you are both actor and audience. It is a very unique play. In this play, you can sit down and watch, and then you can actually get up on stage and see if you can do it better. Then you can sit down and watch, then get on stage again and play, and you get to see the end. You also get to do something else. This "something else" is what I talk about.
What is it? It is enjoyment of this life, of this existence—being here, being alive, being the actor and being the audience. In my opinion, that is the most profound subject and the one we miss out on. Nobody clearly tells us about it. It's called enjoyment. There has to be that real enjoyment.
What does peace have to do with enjoyment? Everything. We need peace to satisfy a thirst. I'm talking about a thirst that is within and the water that is also within to quench the thirst. I'm not saying, "You have a thirst, and by the way, the water is 7,000 feet under the ocean. Let me teach you the art of diving." Or, "You have a thirst, and the water is on top of Mt. Everest, so let me get you physically in shape so you can climb it and partake of the water."
That's what happens. People say, "What you're looking for is over there, over there, and over there. You have to do this for it and you have to do that for it." I'm saying, "What you're looking for is within you. It always has been and always will be." I'm talking about fundamentals. I'm not trying to create peace. A peace that is created will one day be disturbed. The nature of things that are created is like that.
Every person needs to start looking at themselves for answers, because the answers lie within. This isn't a horrendous world created with no purpose and just randomness everywhere. For those who can see it and appreciate it, there is a delicateness to every human being. Everyone has been touched by an amazing thirst—a thirst to be content, a thirst to be in peace, a thirst to be in joy. Nobody has to teach you that. You know it. You feel it.
This is what I'm here to talk about: know thyself. You are here on this planet earth, and this is a very special occasion. The most magnificent stage ever designed has been built. It has the best lighting of any stage in the world. There is a ceiling, but no pillars. It's the work of a genius. You have been invited onto this stage to enjoy. Every time you enjoy in the truest sense—in the most earnest way—this incredible recording device called the heart enjoys it.
What a beautiful promise and possibility exists for a peace that lies not away from me, but within me. That's the peace I want—not the peace I have to run for, but the peace in my heart that I can get in touch with every day. That's the beauty of it: you cannot be without it.
It will require your effort. To be clear requires effort. To be conscious requires a unique and a beautiful effort. That effort is called real enjoyment. That is what it requires.
When there is enjoyment, nothing is a chore. When there's no enjoyment, everything becomes a chore. It is as simple as I have put it. It really is all about you and the enjoyment of the greatest play on earth—you.
"What's The Point"
There is a lot to appreciate. One life, and in this one life, to understand what is real, to understand the quintessential, important thing: the value of this existence. Life is life. Breath is breath. To wonder is to wonder. To wander is just to wander. And when people wander, I ask them, “What are you looking for?”
I know that we seek to quench our thirst. We may never say to ourselves, “I’m thirsty.” But we are. We might say, “I have everything,” but we don’t—not unless we have found the water that quenches our thirst.
People ask, “If I acknowledge that I don’t have everything, does that make me weak or incomplete?” No. The water you search for is inside of you, and the thirst that causes you to search for it is also inside of you. You do not become dependent on something outside; it is within you. Understand what that means. You do not create anything; you come to know what is already inside of you. And not only know that, but fall in love with it.
When you know and have fallen in love with that one thing, you will be rewarded with peace. Many say, “Oh, when we stop fighting, we’ll have peace.” No. You will have exactly that—no fighting—but not peace. There have been times when people have not been fighting, and then they started fighting with each other, so could you say that peace leads to war, and war leads to peace? That would be a dangerous statement to make. What is peace? Is peace an absence of the external war or the internal war? You see, the peace you are looking for is from the internal war, the war that rages inside of you.
A lot of people read a beautiful book and say, “Oh, it brings me so much peace.” What did the writer read? The writer couldn’t have read that book till he had written it. I’m not against books, but books are not enough. That’s like hanging a picture of a well on a wall and saying it will suffice. You would never say, “I don’t really need a kitchen. What I need is some wall space where I can hang a picture of food, and every time I get hungry, I will look at this picture and be satisfied.” Yet, when it comes to peace, people do exactly that. “I don’t need anything. All I need is this little place in my house. I will hang this picture, put this book there, do this, do that. And then I will come and spend a few quiet moments.”
You have two ears that let outside noise in. But this mind has its own set of ears. It listens to things that were never said, sees things that never existed, talks to people that were never born, and goes to places that don’t actually exist. So, when you talk about being quiet, are you talking about a quiet room or real quiet, even here inside?
Prem Rawat
You have a thirst to be fulfilled, a thirst for peace. If you ask why, then may I give you my observation? There is all this dirt floating around in space. It’s compressed and brought into this beautiful planet called Earth. Then it goes through an amazing process. From dirt, dinosaurs come and go, this comes and that goes, and from this dirtcomes another dirt. And thisdirt is a little different, but it’s basically dirt.
Dirt makes goals and says, “This is what we should all achieve.” It says, “I have gone to the deepest ocean, the highest sky.” But there’s dirt out there much higher than you. It says, “I have ten degrees. I am the youngest at this, the oldest at this.” Amazing what dirt thinks. So, what is the point of this dirt being able to think, perceive, recognize, feel—when it will just become dirt again? When somebody will outdo you in whatever you do?
One day, my children wanted to go on an amusement park ride. I asked, “Why do you want to go on this ride? It goes round and round, and it’s just going to come right back here.” And the answer was, “To have fun.” I remember this, because it had a profound impact on me. I started thinking, “From nothing came this body, and to nothing it will go. What is the point?” Well, I will give you the same answer that a very youngperson gave me a long time ago: to have fun. It’s just my observation.
To me, fun is where truly the heart is entertained, where a person is filled with gratitude, where the dirt is filled with joy. Turn within and feel this blessing of breath. This is the most incredible miracle there is! Dirt can dance. Very unnatural, but with so much charm and grace that it is completely natural—the dirt can speak, the dirt can think, and the dirt can feel the ultimate.
"Peace Is Possible"
Maharaji talks about the peace that exists in the hearts of all humans.
When human beings build monuments to their accomplishments, they belittle people. When people stand in front of these buildings, they feel tiny. They have to look up to see them, and they find themselves very small by comparison. That's called "grandeur".
In the creation of your heart, the monument is in proportion to you. Within you is the grandeur, where you are held in awe. It is the being that needs to be held in awe. This is the vessel from which love comes.
Peace is not going to manifest on some wall. Peace is going to manifest within. That's where we most need it. It is the lack of inner peace that causes the wars on the outside. When peace manifests within, we begin to understand what peace means.
Peace has to be felt.
Joy has to be felt.
Truth is not found in words.
Truth is a feeling.
The ultimate truth is within, and the ultimate reality plays out right in front of us.
We are here. That is the truth. We exist. We can feel. We can understand. We can be fulfilled.
The life we have needs to be apparent. It's not something we can do on the side. Clarity also needs to be apparent to us, not just to some people who have been given the responsibility of "being clear."
I say stand on your own two feet.
People say I am "controversial". I know what it means, but out of interest I looked it up in the dictionary to see what the formal definition was.
Basically, it means somebody who walks the other way.
I'm going in another direction, but not just to simply walk against the crowd. I cannot be foolhardy in this life. Each breath is too precious. Each moment in this life is too precious. I cannot afford to take chances. I need to walk in the direction I know and to walk with clarity, not ambiguity.
How do I know? I have a compass, and I call it the heart. It's a wonderful compass. It is precise, and it is so real. It points us in the direction of life. People ask if I'm talking about hearing voices from inside. No, the heart doesn't tell you what kind of car to buy.
The heart is that cry, that call, that says, "Be fulfilled. Quench this thirst. Live this life consciously. Extract everything that this breath has brought, as much as you can. Be alive. Exist."
Some of us have gotten good at the "ostrich syndrome." We dig a hole, bury our head, and think the problems will go away. That's not living. Living is when we feel from the inside out the joy of being alive.
What I talk about is each one of us being in peace. That is number one. There is no substitute for that. We need to have peace in our life. These are not empty words. This is real. This possibility is very, very real. Let your heart be the judge. How far away from you is it? It is within each of us. That's how close it is. What we're all looking for ultimately is within us.
When human beings build monuments to their accomplishments, they belittle people. When people stand in front of these buildings, they feel tiny. They have to look up to see them, and they find themselves very small by comparison. That's called "grandeur".
In the creation of your heart, the monument is in proportion to you. Within you is the grandeur, where you are held in awe. It is the being that needs to be held in awe. This is the vessel from which love comes.
Peace is not going to manifest on some wall. Peace is going to manifest within. That's where we most need it. It is the lack of inner peace that causes the wars on the outside. When peace manifests within, we begin to understand what peace means.
Peace has to be felt.
Joy has to be felt.
Truth is not found in words.
Truth is a feeling.
The ultimate truth is within, and the ultimate reality plays out right in front of us.
We are here. That is the truth. We exist. We can feel. We can understand. We can be fulfilled.
The life we have needs to be apparent. It's not something we can do on the side. Clarity also needs to be apparent to us, not just to some people who have been given the responsibility of "being clear."
I say stand on your own two feet.
People say I am "controversial". I know what it means, but out of interest I looked it up in the dictionary to see what the formal definition was.
Basically, it means somebody who walks the other way.
I'm going in another direction, but not just to simply walk against the crowd. I cannot be foolhardy in this life. Each breath is too precious. Each moment in this life is too precious. I cannot afford to take chances. I need to walk in the direction I know and to walk with clarity, not ambiguity.
How do I know? I have a compass, and I call it the heart. It's a wonderful compass. It is precise, and it is so real. It points us in the direction of life. People ask if I'm talking about hearing voices from inside. No, the heart doesn't tell you what kind of car to buy.
The heart is that cry, that call, that says, "Be fulfilled. Quench this thirst. Live this life consciously. Extract everything that this breath has brought, as much as you can. Be alive. Exist."
Some of us have gotten good at the "ostrich syndrome." We dig a hole, bury our head, and think the problems will go away. That's not living. Living is when we feel from the inside out the joy of being alive.
What I talk about is each one of us being in peace. That is number one. There is no substitute for that. We need to have peace in our life. These are not empty words. This is real. This possibility is very, very real. Let your heart be the judge. How far away from you is it? It is within each of us. That's how close it is. What we're all looking for ultimately is within us.
Maharaji In Europe
In July 2009, Maharaji completed an extensive tour of Europe, attending 14 events in just 28 days. He visited many cities for the first time. The tour began with an event in Potenza, Italy. Maharaji was invited by the governers of the region and was given the title "Ambassador of Peace". Maharaji then went to Rome, Italy, Vienna, Austria, Ljubljana, Slovenia and Athens, Greece.
Next stop Dublin, Ireland for a public event(with a notice of just 48 hours!) followed by an event in Glasgow the next day.
Just 2 days later Maharaji was in Strasbourg, France and the very next day in Lisbon, Portugal. This was followed by events in Bristol, UK Cheltenham, UK Munich, Germany and Belgrade, Serbia.
Lastly Maharaji spoke at a studio event in Barcelona, Spain which was broadcast live to over one million people in India.
Next stop Dublin, Ireland for a public event(with a notice of just 48 hours!) followed by an event in Glasgow the next day.
Just 2 days later Maharaji was in Strasbourg, France and the very next day in Lisbon, Portugal. This was followed by events in Bristol, UK Cheltenham, UK Munich, Germany and Belgrade, Serbia.
Lastly Maharaji spoke at a studio event in Barcelona, Spain which was broadcast live to over one million people in India.
A minute intro to "Words of Peace"
Words of Peace is televised to over 25 million viewers in the United States. Prem Rawat speaks with simplicity about our innate need for happiness. He inspires people around the world to look within themselves for a lasting source of peace and contentment. "The peace we are looking for is within," he says. "It is in the heart, waiting to be felt, and I can help you get in touch with it." Prem Rawat’s message is more than just words. He offers individuals a practical way to enjoy peace, freedom and fullfillment within themselves. This experience of peace within is independent of lifestyle, philosophy or belief.
"Maharaji Lecture At Nova Southeastern University: Peace is Possible"
Really what i have to talk about is something incredibly simple. It is simple because it has something to do with you; it has something to do with your existence.
Its not about formulas, it’s not about trying to contrive ways to get around to the joy and the beauty of this life but it is about a feeling, and the feeling of being alive.
We do so much in our lives to fulfill ourselves on the outside, we create massive structures, we create massive institutions, and the purpose, and the reason for all of this, so that we can be fulfilled. Now the key thing here is fulfillment, it is not what fulfills you, but do you have the fulfillment in your life?
So yes everyday we do our research, everyday we go on expanding our horizons but all on the outside, and but i am here to tell you is that its ok to study and expand your outer horizon but don’t forget your inner horizon. It is ok to learn about this world, but don’t forget to learn about the heart, it is ok to study the behavior of all the animals, all plants and the nature but don’t forget your own behavior, the behavior of this heart, the request of this heart, the call of this heart, because if u do, there is only one simple consequence, and that consequence is that u have a 1000 glasses but no water to fill them with, and if u were a person in a middle of the desert in sincere need of that water, in dire need of that water, because of the thirst which would you rather have the glass or the water??
Its not about formulas, it’s not about trying to contrive ways to get around to the joy and the beauty of this life but it is about a feeling, and the feeling of being alive.
We do so much in our lives to fulfill ourselves on the outside, we create massive structures, we create massive institutions, and the purpose, and the reason for all of this, so that we can be fulfilled. Now the key thing here is fulfillment, it is not what fulfills you, but do you have the fulfillment in your life?
So yes everyday we do our research, everyday we go on expanding our horizons but all on the outside, and but i am here to tell you is that its ok to study and expand your outer horizon but don’t forget your inner horizon. It is ok to learn about this world, but don’t forget to learn about the heart, it is ok to study the behavior of all the animals, all plants and the nature but don’t forget your own behavior, the behavior of this heart, the request of this heart, the call of this heart, because if u do, there is only one simple consequence, and that consequence is that u have a 1000 glasses but no water to fill them with, and if u were a person in a middle of the desert in sincere need of that water, in dire need of that water, because of the thirst which would you rather have the glass or the water??
"Maharaji Address at US Citizen’s Congress- Feb 1976"
The bicameral, Admiral Staff, members of the cabinet, members of the United States Senate, and house of representatives, and distinguished guests. It gives me great pleasure to be with you on this occasion, commemorating America’s bicentennial.
This nation was conceived and borne by the dedication of individuals seeking the freedom to pursue life growth. America has grown for two centuries, but let us not forget that freedom and peace did not come without effort. In the beginning there were great difficulties for the young nation struggling for independence, and growth over the years has not always been tranquil and harmonious. Its always the grace of almighty- has guided the destiny of this nation along its path to greatness.
As George Washington noted in his first message to congress “No people can be bound to acknowledge and adore the invisible hand which conducts the affairs of men more than those of the United States”
Certainly, the almighty has bountifully blessed this land upon which generations of Americans have strived to realize the ideal, which inspired the nation’s founding fathers.
As America enters its 3rd century, many of the frontiers of land and space, science & technology have already been crossed.
Yet with end of frontiers of human experience ahead let us pray that the pioneering spirit that has allowed this nation to excel will not falter. And that as you go forward you will continue to be blessed with broad vision, temperance and wisdom to allow America to lead civilization into a new age as the difficult sequel for this nation of the new world
This event took place in February 1976- three decades ago, yet his passion to reach to out to people and help them experience the true joy within them, only grows deeper with time.
This nation was conceived and borne by the dedication of individuals seeking the freedom to pursue life growth. America has grown for two centuries, but let us not forget that freedom and peace did not come without effort. In the beginning there were great difficulties for the young nation struggling for independence, and growth over the years has not always been tranquil and harmonious. Its always the grace of almighty- has guided the destiny of this nation along its path to greatness.
As George Washington noted in his first message to congress “No people can be bound to acknowledge and adore the invisible hand which conducts the affairs of men more than those of the United States”
Certainly, the almighty has bountifully blessed this land upon which generations of Americans have strived to realize the ideal, which inspired the nation’s founding fathers.
As America enters its 3rd century, many of the frontiers of land and space, science & technology have already been crossed.
Yet with end of frontiers of human experience ahead let us pray that the pioneering spirit that has allowed this nation to excel will not falter. And that as you go forward you will continue to be blessed with broad vision, temperance and wisdom to allow America to lead civilization into a new age as the difficult sequel for this nation of the new world
This event took place in February 1976- three decades ago, yet his passion to reach to out to people and help them experience the true joy within them, only grows deeper with time.
"To Be Happy"
The thirst is always there to be fulfilled and that is the real thirst.
Those wants that I have in my life, that have not changed since I was a child. Do you know of those wants, do you know, what they are??
The promises, you made to yourself, to always fulfill those wants, have you kept them up? Have you looked?? Have you searched for that? that has always been within you?
You have searched outside but have you searched inside?? This is why this is so different, this is why my message is so different, because everybody points outside, I point inside. I say what you need, you already have
Who are you?? There is one part of you that always was, is and will be. One part of you that makes you, YOU. This (skin) could become a pumpkin, come back as egg plant, because it is just dirt, just dirt. Dirt will mix into dirt and next thing you know, it could be coming up as jackfruit tree, coming up as flower. It could be coming up as egg plant, could be coming up as banana. Actually it’s not much of a difference, because molecules are just molecules, but what makes you as you, is the union of the two the infinite and finite and come together. That one part of you, that always will be, will be, was, but wasn’t you and will be but it won’t be you, you, is those two have come together, and so far those two are together, possibility exists and of all the possibility, one of possibility that exists is that this finite machine can feel the infinity.
As close as they get, you feel. The feeling machine, this is what you have been given, feeling machine-it feels, feels and feels. This is what it does and not only does It feel, it does something else. When it feels something good, it likes it; it smiles, becomes content, and actually becomes happy. This is not me saying this; so many people have said this.
Plug this machine, you keep plugging it into the world, trying to happy just like walking around this world, try this, try that and you know brings happiness when it frizzles out it is gone. Hey instead of plugging into all these things, plug in to that infinite, that’s in you and it fireworks, bliss, contentment, joy, all become yours.
Those wants that I have in my life, that have not changed since I was a child. Do you know of those wants, do you know, what they are??
The promises, you made to yourself, to always fulfill those wants, have you kept them up? Have you looked?? Have you searched for that? that has always been within you?
You have searched outside but have you searched inside?? This is why this is so different, this is why my message is so different, because everybody points outside, I point inside. I say what you need, you already have
Who are you?? There is one part of you that always was, is and will be. One part of you that makes you, YOU. This (skin) could become a pumpkin, come back as egg plant, because it is just dirt, just dirt. Dirt will mix into dirt and next thing you know, it could be coming up as jackfruit tree, coming up as flower. It could be coming up as egg plant, could be coming up as banana. Actually it’s not much of a difference, because molecules are just molecules, but what makes you as you, is the union of the two the infinite and finite and come together. That one part of you, that always will be, will be, was, but wasn’t you and will be but it won’t be you, you, is those two have come together, and so far those two are together, possibility exists and of all the possibility, one of possibility that exists is that this finite machine can feel the infinity.
As close as they get, you feel. The feeling machine, this is what you have been given, feeling machine-it feels, feels and feels. This is what it does and not only does It feel, it does something else. When it feels something good, it likes it; it smiles, becomes content, and actually becomes happy. This is not me saying this; so many people have said this.
Plug this machine, you keep plugging it into the world, trying to happy just like walking around this world, try this, try that and you know brings happiness when it frizzles out it is gone. Hey instead of plugging into all these things, plug in to that infinite, that’s in you and it fireworks, bliss, contentment, joy, all become yours.
" Prem Rawats Keynote address at Parliament Of Australia"
Prem Rawat at Australia’s Parliament House on the United Nations’ International Day of Peace.
Prem Rawat delivered the keynote address at a special event at Parliament House in Canberra, Australia, on September 22, on the occasion of the United Nations’ International Day of Peace.
The event was emceed by Paul McDonald, Executive Director of the Committee for Economic Development of Australia. CEDA, Australia’s leading economic think tank, engages leaders from business, government, academia, and community organizations in emerging policy debates.
Welcoming the attendees, Helen Disney, President of the Capital Territory Chapter of the United Nations’ Association of Australia, said, "This International Day of Peace marks our individual and collective commitment and progress towards building cultures of peace above all interests and differences. Individuals and nations, acting in a peaceful manner, do make a difference in the quality of our lives, institutions, environment, and future on earth. Through peace, we have a possibility to manifest the essential spirit that unites us amid our diverse ways."
Prem Rawat delivered the keynote address at a special event at Parliament House in Canberra, Australia, on September 22, on the occasion of the United Nations’ International Day of Peace.
The event was emceed by Paul McDonald, Executive Director of the Committee for Economic Development of Australia. CEDA, Australia’s leading economic think tank, engages leaders from business, government, academia, and community organizations in emerging policy debates.
Welcoming the attendees, Helen Disney, President of the Capital Territory Chapter of the United Nations’ Association of Australia, said, "This International Day of Peace marks our individual and collective commitment and progress towards building cultures of peace above all interests and differences. Individuals and nations, acting in a peaceful manner, do make a difference in the quality of our lives, institutions, environment, and future on earth. Through peace, we have a possibility to manifest the essential spirit that unites us amid our diverse ways."
"Dancing With Gratitude"
What do you see peace as? Peace is felt in this temple of our heart. The one and only God dwells in the temple of our heart. This is the only place that god can be close to you. It is not bricks and motors, wherever you go that god will be with you and when you need that god the most, that god will be right there, in good and in bad.
I am here to tell you, what you are looking for is inside of you and this is not a puzzle. These are not empty words because I have a way so that you can feel the reality that is inside of you, so that you can feel the peace that is inside of you, in this life.
To me, if we can begin to understand the simplest aspect of this life that there is a reality that we need to have, not just a thought or an idea, but to actually feel, every single day to feel that beauty, and to allow our heart to be filled with gratitude, in reality, not in just a bunch of ideas. When the perfume of gratitude begins to dance, there is no more heavenly smell than that, and the gratitude comes when the heart is filled with the beautiful experience of this life.
You can try to convince your mind a million ways but unless your heart has felt that joy, nothing else will make a difference. It is not about logic, it is about what you feel. This is not about our failures, it is about the success. This is not about how many breaths that did’nt come but it is about the breath that came. It is about your life right now.
I am here to tell you, what you are looking for is inside of you and this is not a puzzle. These are not empty words because I have a way so that you can feel the reality that is inside of you, so that you can feel the peace that is inside of you, in this life.
To me, if we can begin to understand the simplest aspect of this life that there is a reality that we need to have, not just a thought or an idea, but to actually feel, every single day to feel that beauty, and to allow our heart to be filled with gratitude, in reality, not in just a bunch of ideas. When the perfume of gratitude begins to dance, there is no more heavenly smell than that, and the gratitude comes when the heart is filled with the beautiful experience of this life.
You can try to convince your mind a million ways but unless your heart has felt that joy, nothing else will make a difference. It is not about logic, it is about what you feel. This is not about our failures, it is about the success. This is not about how many breaths that did’nt come but it is about the breath that came. It is about your life right now.
"With The Heart Of A Child"
We have certain natures. We have the ability to feel pain. When something painful is placed in front of us, what it triggers is pain. When our hopes, and dreams, and ideals, and our little castle of sand. When somebody comes and plays with it, we don't like it. When hope is taken away, we don't like it. Where do you wanna be? Wherever you've decided to be be, may be more painful than current scenario.
What do you want? Do you know what drives you, what inspires you? What is this thing that doesn't like hopelessness. What in you wants real peace? Why are you attracted to truth? What is this truth business? This microphone is black (pointing to microphone in front). This is truth right? So you felt peace? You felt the salvation? Did you feel free? This chair is almost neutral gray. So are you free? You feel free now? Did you see God? See, that may be true, but that's not The Truth. If our consciousness is plugged into that, then it would bring not just joy, but supreme joy- Joy unparalleled. And methinks, that's what we should be passionate about. That if we were, the flood gates would open.
To understand the ultimate truth. Because the ultimate truth is so simple, that you have to be utterly simple to understand that. How simple? How simple? With the heart of a child! What does a child have that you don't. You have more of everything- older, more hair (some!). Child has simplicity. You don't. Careful, you do not qualify! So if you want to experience that passion, you will have to have a heart of a child. That means not doing, but undoing
Friday, October 9, 2009
" Welcome To The World Of Life"
All your life you work very hard to collect things but are they yours? All your life you work very hard to become somebody, to have a name, to have a title, but is that really you?
When you were in your mother’s womb your parents had a lot of ideas about you, they dint know you were a boy or a girl and they being in love with you, made their little plans for you. If its a boy we will teach him, he will do this he will do that. If it is a girl she will be so pretty, she will become this.. she will become that.. But when you come out into this world there is a very short period of time in which whoever is in the delivery room hold their breath waiting, because it is not about aspirations in that moment and it was not about your gender, they are all interested about knowing one thing, "Are you breathing or not!" That's how it is. And if you are breathing, then "Congratulations, its a boy, its a girl!" This is a funny thing.. this happens again. You know when? In the end.. In the end they wait and wait unless they know when you stopped breathing. And then they are.. "Oh! He has gone!."
Don't you see that everything you are is predicated on something so incredibly simple and everything you do in your life seems so far removed from that clarity. So, is this reality ugly.. No, it is beautiful.
Welcome to the world of Life, Welcome to the world of existence, Welcome to the world of Joy! Welcome to the world of understanding, because this is what it is about. The peace that dances in your heart, not the doubts that havoc in your mind, the reality of your existence which is supremely sweet.
When you were in your mother’s womb your parents had a lot of ideas about you, they dint know you were a boy or a girl and they being in love with you, made their little plans for you. If its a boy we will teach him, he will do this he will do that. If it is a girl she will be so pretty, she will become this.. she will become that.. But when you come out into this world there is a very short period of time in which whoever is in the delivery room hold their breath waiting, because it is not about aspirations in that moment and it was not about your gender, they are all interested about knowing one thing, "Are you breathing or not!" That's how it is. And if you are breathing, then "Congratulations, its a boy, its a girl!" This is a funny thing.. this happens again. You know when? In the end.. In the end they wait and wait unless they know when you stopped breathing. And then they are.. "Oh! He has gone!."
Don't you see that everything you are is predicated on something so incredibly simple and everything you do in your life seems so far removed from that clarity. So, is this reality ugly.. No, it is beautiful.
Welcome to the world of Life, Welcome to the world of existence, Welcome to the world of Joy! Welcome to the world of understanding, because this is what it is about. The peace that dances in your heart, not the doubts that havoc in your mind, the reality of your existence which is supremely sweet.
"A Calling From Within"
Look at the situation of the world today. How much money is spent developing arms so that they can destroy efficiently with deadly accuracy. And how much money is spent for peace? Mostly the money spent on peace is in awards- "Peace Award".
When I talk to people about peace, they get skeptical. They say, with all the greed in this world, with all the anger in this world, peace is not possible. If peace is not possible then we have nothing to be proud of, because if we have not established peace, we will have a fundamental problem. On one hand we feed the generations and on the other hand we prepare to kill them. That's a very strange dichotomy.
Do you understand what your calling from within has been. Once Socrates said, "Know Thyself" because you are the source of what you are looking for. Do I have a vision for peace? No. I have something more, and very humbly I say to you, what you are looking for is within you. Turn within and you will feel the peace.
"Rain Of Peace And Understanding"
Happiness isn't just simply smiling, or simply laughing. Happiness is happiness because you feel good. Not about something. That is we think about happiness, that it is always about something. The world is going to bring us happiness. And I say to you that there is only one person who can make you happy. And you know who that is? Ah, and it happens to be the person you know very little about. Strange! You know about your business associates, your colleagues, your friends, but you know very little about yourself. Who are you? Because you are the person who can make you very happy!
Who are you? You came, you are given this gift of breath but you don't think much about it. You will, but it will be at the end when it's getting hard. Then "Breath breath breath". Life is important? I want you to take a little time and understand something- That your life is incredibly important. You are not a number, you are not a name. You are more than the sum of all your goods, and all of bad. What is yours?
Do you know where does this life pounding into you comes from, and where does it go? And every time that it comes, it brings gift of life. And what my friend is life? When you are conscious, this life holds promises after promises after promises for you. Gifts after gifts after gifts. Which gift have you accepted? If you are stranger to yourself, then you came, you lived a while, and like many, ended up with it. Came, lived a while, and gone.
It happens- three facts: You were born, second you are alive, third you've got to go. This is how i look at it. Birth has already happened, and the last one- going is gonna happen anyways, I've no control of it. Ahh but between the two, the birth and the going; I can do something. And if all the things I can accomplish, let it be that I can be fulfilled, that I know myself. Of all the people I've understood, I understand myself. And I want the rain of peace, and I want the rain of understanding to come.
Who are you? You came, you are given this gift of breath but you don't think much about it. You will, but it will be at the end when it's getting hard. Then "Breath breath breath". Life is important? I want you to take a little time and understand something- That your life is incredibly important. You are not a number, you are not a name. You are more than the sum of all your goods, and all of bad. What is yours?
Do you know where does this life pounding into you comes from, and where does it go? And every time that it comes, it brings gift of life. And what my friend is life? When you are conscious, this life holds promises after promises after promises for you. Gifts after gifts after gifts. Which gift have you accepted? If you are stranger to yourself, then you came, you lived a while, and like many, ended up with it. Came, lived a while, and gone.
It happens- three facts: You were born, second you are alive, third you've got to go. This is how i look at it. Birth has already happened, and the last one- going is gonna happen anyways, I've no control of it. Ahh but between the two, the birth and the going; I can do something. And if all the things I can accomplish, let it be that I can be fulfilled, that I know myself. Of all the people I've understood, I understand myself. And I want the rain of peace, and I want the rain of understanding to come.
"Made To Enjoy"
Who are you? What are you? What is this body all about? You try to make this body comfortable. What do you when you go buy a shoe? You put them on! And then you walk, WHY? To make sure that these shoes have not been worn before? You walk in those shoes to make sure they are comfortable! So we spend a lot of time, a lot of energy to make sure our body is externally comfortable. Do we also spend that time to make sure that our life, our existence is internally comfortable or do we learn how to live with disparity, with anger and confusion? This is dirt! And you spend so much time making dirt comfortable. Why? Because this is how you are made. It is important for self-preservation of this body that it does not like pain. Something hot, "Reaction", because it does not like pain. What have we done in our lives to make ourselves comfortable within? This dirt moves, it talks, it sees, it smells, it tastes, why? And not only does it smell, it likes to smell that that brings it joy. Seeing- what does it like to see, that what brings you enjoyment. This is how you are. This is who you are. Make no mistake. Your existence wants to be fulfilled. What does your heart want to do. It wants to enjoy and what can your heart enjoy, this is the question.
I have been observing how people use words, and there has been a shift for sure. "love- like". Where the word should be "like", people start using "love". And those are just words, and what difference does it make?
When you say- I love my car- and people start believing that they love their car. You can’t really "love" your car. You can only "like" your car. People say- I just Love gardening! That's my passion. Okay, that's your hobby and you like it. But it isn’t that if you are dying, you will say- No, no I need to be in garden, don't take me to hospital!
When I want to be passionate about something, it needs to be truly real- not just figment of imagination. So what is it- that's truly real, amazing, incredible, not imagination? Not only it does have to be real, but it has to be amazing. Then- to unleash! Passion is not one of the things that you generate. Passion is something you only unleash. You open the gates, and it comes pouring in.
Every human being has a capacity to love. I am not just talking of love, I am talking of the ultimate love. All the things put in front of it may inspire some amount of love. But the right thing placed in front of it- would make it dynamically Explode! Infinit
"Today Is The Possibility"
Today a miracle happened, and this miracle is not about milk coming out of the walls. This miracle is made possible by the most divine. The miracle is your existence today and tomorrow it will happen again. It is the miracle of all miracles that today in your life is the possibility to be in peace, today in your life is the possibility of being content. Today is the possibility in your life of being happy. Today is a possibility in your life of being thankful, because you were happy, because you felt peace,because you felt content, because you understood, the essence of knowledge.
You may have a lot of knowledge but not understand it, that's no good. No good to you, but that what you understand becomes yours. Peace that can be felt in the middle of a battlefield is the real peace, because that is the peace that nobody can take away from you, nobody can rob you of that and that is who you are!
You may have a lot of knowledge but not understand it, that's no good. No good to you, but that what you understand becomes yours. Peace that can be felt in the middle of a battlefield is the real peace, because that is the peace that nobody can take away from you, nobody can rob you of that and that is who you are!
"Coming And Going Of Breath"
You want to know how to recognize the miracle, then understand that today is the miracle, and tomorrow when it comes will be a miracle. Your breath is a miracle. If you don't know what you have, how will you know what is lost? You need to know what you have. And you have so much.
Path to inner peace begins with just that- opening your eyes, and looking. And seeing things as they are. Not how could it. Now how it should it. But as it is.
So much, so much goes on. So many ideas come. And you little boat is sailing down the river. I say to you "Captain, wake up!" This is not the time to dream my friend. Wake up. Look, look where you're going. If you don't, disaster is inevitable. Thats not what you need to have in your life. Everyday should be a celebration.
Have you ever seen a sunflower? A sunflower does not have GPS, or maps, or big instruments. But somehow this flower turns at night, and is ready for the sun. Will it be a cloudy day? Don't know, it's just ready. It's facing the right direction for the sun to come. And whether sun is visible or not, it just follows and follows the sun. All the clouds don't stop the sunflower. Because ultimately, its not the clouds that are permanent. It is the relationship with the sun. And the time comes, clouds clear. And once again the sunflower is tracking the sun.
Path to inner peace begins with just that- opening your eyes, and looking. And seeing things as they are. Not how could it. Now how it should it. But as it is.
So much, so much goes on. So many ideas come. And you little boat is sailing down the river. I say to you "Captain, wake up!" This is not the time to dream my friend. Wake up. Look, look where you're going. If you don't, disaster is inevitable. Thats not what you need to have in your life. Everyday should be a celebration.
Have you ever seen a sunflower? A sunflower does not have GPS, or maps, or big instruments. But somehow this flower turns at night, and is ready for the sun. Will it be a cloudy day? Don't know, it's just ready. It's facing the right direction for the sun to come. And whether sun is visible or not, it just follows and follows the sun. All the clouds don't stop the sunflower. Because ultimately, its not the clouds that are permanent. It is the relationship with the sun. And the time comes, clouds clear. And once again the sunflower is tracking the sun.
"The Ultimate Question"
The Ultimate Question, How are you? You get that question too many times, so you do not think about it. But become patient, you want to be learned? You want to become knowledgeable? Ask that question to yourself. How are you? And listen to the answer, don’t think. When you have to say to someone, who asks you the question of, how are you? You say, I am fine, thank you. Thats easy to say. It does’nt matter. You can be tired. You can be miserable. Somebody comes over and says, how are you? You say, I am fine. In reality, thats stupidity. But also, do you really want to explain your troubles to an unknown person? That would be stupidity too. The question, in my opinion. How are you, is meant for you and you should ask that to yourself.
So, How are You? Are you thankful?
Are you in that state of bliss?
Are you enjoying that gift of knowledge?
Is your desert, in full bloom? Three hundred and Sixty five days as year, seven days a week, full bloom. That beautiful aroma in the perfume of fresh flowers. Does it really permeate your life? Do you feel blessed? Do you feel content? Accept, and let that grace bring the rain to your desert. Grace to me is just that, those big bellowing clouds coming. Grace is that wind, that turned and where it is dry, brings that moisture and then it can begin to rain. To feel blessed, because you are. So, you should feel blessed. You should feel graced because you have grace in your life.
Be patient and the troubles, they come and let the wind of grace sweep them away. Is that upto me? Yes. Don’t hang on, let go. Hang on to that column, hang on to that garland, hang on to that pillar of breath that comes in and out of you. If you do, nothing can break that link. Enjoy, because you have been given so much to enjoy. Learn, because so much is being taught to you. And above all, be patient and then watch this dance of life unfold. It will unfold. It is going to unfold. Oh, you will see things you have never seen before and hopefully this cup of this heart will get larger and larger and larger. That is its nature. Let it be filled more.
So, How are You? Are you thankful?
Are you in that state of bliss?
Are you enjoying that gift of knowledge?
Is your desert, in full bloom? Three hundred and Sixty five days as year, seven days a week, full bloom. That beautiful aroma in the perfume of fresh flowers. Does it really permeate your life? Do you feel blessed? Do you feel content? Accept, and let that grace bring the rain to your desert. Grace to me is just that, those big bellowing clouds coming. Grace is that wind, that turned and where it is dry, brings that moisture and then it can begin to rain. To feel blessed, because you are. So, you should feel blessed. You should feel graced because you have grace in your life.
Be patient and the troubles, they come and let the wind of grace sweep them away. Is that upto me? Yes. Don’t hang on, let go. Hang on to that column, hang on to that garland, hang on to that pillar of breath that comes in and out of you. If you do, nothing can break that link. Enjoy, because you have been given so much to enjoy. Learn, because so much is being taught to you. And above all, be patient and then watch this dance of life unfold. It will unfold. It is going to unfold. Oh, you will see things you have never seen before and hopefully this cup of this heart will get larger and larger and larger. That is its nature. Let it be filled more.
" Do You Feel Blessed?"
In India, I got this email from this person and he said, there is this couple in South India and the guy’s wife is dying of cancer, so they would like to see you. So, we worked it out. It was a young couple, a very young couple, and I walked into the room where they were sitting. And believe me I could not figure out who it was, that was sick. She looked just radiant. And her grandmother was sitting on one side, her husband was sitting there, and she was sitting, and I was like, "Who is it?". The doctors had said time-out. Yet I remember her face, because she was still filled of so much hope and so much joy. And it reminded me of the flower that I had seen coming out of the rock.
The audacity - Why should you be so happy, why should you be so hopeful. Don't you know what the doctors are saying? But there was a thankfulness, for having knowledge. For having been alive, for having this gift. And a hope, not formulated in some concrete numbers. But whatever will happen will be fine.
This I must tell you is a powerful thing. Why here, why are you using your time and energy to sprout here, go down further south, it’s better. But no, this is it. This is the place. When that flower sprouts from that rock, in the middle of the most incredibly barren land. What that flower is saying, "This is the place to be. Regardless of the consequences. And I am here and here I’ll grow, and it happens."
Hope, but hope cannot be the first thing. Knowing, understanding, and then that brings the truest hope. Let it be like that, the truest hope. Not in, "This is the specific result I want.", but in, "It will be fine." That there is indeed a blessing in my life. "Do you feel blessed?"
Blessed you are, the only thing missing, is for you to know it.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
"सच्चे सद्गुरु की कसौटी"
सच्चे सद्गुरु की कसौटी : महाराजी!
Maharaji Lecture In Delhi
8 मार्च 2009
8 मार्च, राज विद्या केन्द्र, नई दिल्ली में आसपास के क्षेत्रों से आए 35 हजार से भी अधिक लोगों ने महाराजी के सत्संग कार्यक्रम व होली महोत्सव का आनंद उठाया । इस अवसर पर महाराजी ने कहा कि अनुशासन की वजह से तुम अपनी जिंदगी में संतुलन बनाए रखते हुए जिंदगी को आसान बना सकते हो। ज्ञान मार्ग में आगे बढ़ने के लिए छल-कपट व अहंकार को त्याग कर बालक के हृदय और समय के महापुरुष के मार्गदर्शन की सतत आवश्यकता है।
यदि तुम बालक का हृदय लेकर इस मार्ग में चलोगे तो बहुत कुछ सीख सकोगे, जबकि अभिमानी बनकर कुछ भी हाथ नहीं आएगा, क्योंकि बालक अपने हृदय से आगे बढ़ता है जबकि मनुष्य िदमाग से। लोग तो अभिमान के कारण सत्संग भी नहीं सुनते हैं।
महाराजी ने सद्गुरु की पहचान बताते हुए कहा कि सद्गुरु की एक ही कसौटी है कि वे जिज्ञासुअों को आत्मज्ञान देते हैं और उसके साथ ही ज्ञान-मार्ग में आगे बढ़ने के लिए मार्गदर्शन भी करते हैं। उन्होंने सत्संग के महत्व के बारे में बताया कि सत्संग सुनने से ज्ञान-मार्ग में आगे बढ़ने के लिए प्रेरणा मिलती है। महाराजी ने कहा कि छल-कपट घर में पड़े कूड़े की तरह है। उसे हर दिन साफ करना पड़ता है।
तुम जिंदगी में जो कुछ भी करना चाहो करो, लेकिन सतनाम का चिंतन भी जरूर करो, क्योंकि वह तुम्हारे हर स्वांस में बसा हुआ है। जब तुम भगवान का अपने हृदय में साक्षात अनुभव करते हो तो वह तुम्हें आनंद रूपी उपहार देता है, क्योंकि वह तुम्हारे हृदय में ही बसा हुआ है। उन्होंने कहा कि अपने हृदय में ज्ञान का दीपक जलाओ क्योंकि वह तुम्हारे जीवन में बड़े से बड़े अंधकार को भी दूर कर देगा।
"ज्ञान रूपी दीये को जलाओ, ताकि तुम्हारे जीवन में भी प्रकाश हो। अंधेरी रात में हजारों बल्बों की जरूरत नहीं है, सिर्फ एक दीये की जरूरत है। अगर वह दीया जलता रहा तो अंधेरा तुम्हारे नजदीक नहीं आ पाएगा, चाहे कितना भी घना अंधकार हो।"
Maharaji Lecture In Delhi
8 मार्च 2009
8 मार्च, राज विद्या केन्द्र, नई दिल्ली में आसपास के क्षेत्रों से आए 35 हजार से भी अधिक लोगों ने महाराजी के सत्संग कार्यक्रम व होली महोत्सव का आनंद उठाया । इस अवसर पर महाराजी ने कहा कि अनुशासन की वजह से तुम अपनी जिंदगी में संतुलन बनाए रखते हुए जिंदगी को आसान बना सकते हो। ज्ञान मार्ग में आगे बढ़ने के लिए छल-कपट व अहंकार को त्याग कर बालक के हृदय और समय के महापुरुष के मार्गदर्शन की सतत आवश्यकता है।
यदि तुम बालक का हृदय लेकर इस मार्ग में चलोगे तो बहुत कुछ सीख सकोगे, जबकि अभिमानी बनकर कुछ भी हाथ नहीं आएगा, क्योंकि बालक अपने हृदय से आगे बढ़ता है जबकि मनुष्य िदमाग से। लोग तो अभिमान के कारण सत्संग भी नहीं सुनते हैं।
महाराजी ने सद्गुरु की पहचान बताते हुए कहा कि सद्गुरु की एक ही कसौटी है कि वे जिज्ञासुअों को आत्मज्ञान देते हैं और उसके साथ ही ज्ञान-मार्ग में आगे बढ़ने के लिए मार्गदर्शन भी करते हैं। उन्होंने सत्संग के महत्व के बारे में बताया कि सत्संग सुनने से ज्ञान-मार्ग में आगे बढ़ने के लिए प्रेरणा मिलती है। महाराजी ने कहा कि छल-कपट घर में पड़े कूड़े की तरह है। उसे हर दिन साफ करना पड़ता है।
तुम जिंदगी में जो कुछ भी करना चाहो करो, लेकिन सतनाम का चिंतन भी जरूर करो, क्योंकि वह तुम्हारे हर स्वांस में बसा हुआ है। जब तुम भगवान का अपने हृदय में साक्षात अनुभव करते हो तो वह तुम्हें आनंद रूपी उपहार देता है, क्योंकि वह तुम्हारे हृदय में ही बसा हुआ है। उन्होंने कहा कि अपने हृदय में ज्ञान का दीपक जलाओ क्योंकि वह तुम्हारे जीवन में बड़े से बड़े अंधकार को भी दूर कर देगा।
"ज्ञान रूपी दीये को जलाओ, ताकि तुम्हारे जीवन में भी प्रकाश हो। अंधेरी रात में हजारों बल्बों की जरूरत नहीं है, सिर्फ एक दीये की जरूरत है। अगर वह दीया जलता रहा तो अंधेरा तुम्हारे नजदीक नहीं आ पाएगा, चाहे कितना भी घना अंधकार हो।"
"स्वास का महत्व"
15 मार्च की सुबह महाराजी ने हरदोई जिले के मोना ग्राम में अपार जन समूह को संबोधित किया। यह कार्यक्रम 2009 में महाराजी के उत्तर पूर्वी भारत के टूर का पहला कार्यक्रम था। इस कार्यक्रम में हरदोई के समीपवर्ती जिलों से आए लगभग एक लाख, साठ हजार ग्रामीण व शहरी श्रोताओं ने महाराजी के सत्संग का लाभ उठाया।
कार्यक्रम प्रारंभ होने से पूर्व महाराजी के तेरह साल की आयु में कानपुर में संपन्न हुए कार्यक्रम की झलकियां भी दिखाई गईं।
महाराजी ने कहा कि मेरा संदेश तुम्हारे हृदय के लिए है। हर उस व्यक्ति के लिए है जिसके शरीर में यह स्वांस आता है।
घट-घट मोरा सांईया, सूनी सेज न कोय,
बलिहारी उस घट की जिस घट प्रकट होय।।
कबीरदास जी के उपरोक्त दोहे को उद्धृत करते हुए महाराजी ने कहा कि भगवान हर एक व्यक्ति के घट में विराजमान है परंतु वह व्यक्ति धन्य है जिसके हृदय में वह प्रकट हो जाता है। यही वह समय है जब हम उसका अपने हृदय में अनुभव कर सकते हैं, क्योंकि अगर तुम जीतेजी नहीं समझ पाये कि तुम्हारे अंदर क्या चीज छिपी है तो इस संसार से जाने के बाद समझ नहीं पाओगे।
महाराजी ने कहा कि लोग भगवान से सांसारिक वस्तुओं को मांगने के लिए प्रार्थना करते हैं, किन्तु वे भगवान से अपने हृदय के दुख को दूर करने के लिए प्रार्थना नहीं करते हैं। हृदय को पारिवारिक दुख नहीं है, नौकरी या बिजनेस का दुख नहीं है। हृदय की जो वेदना और चाहत है वह यह है कि हे भगवान, मैंने आज तक तेरे को जाना नहीं है।
"मृग नाभी में है कस्तूरी, बन बन फिरत उदासी" को उद्धृत करते हुए महाराजी ने कहा कि जैसे मृग अपने भीतर की कस्तूरी को खोजने के लिए बन बन भटकता फिरता है, उसी प्रकार मनुष्य भी अपने भीतर के भगवान को पाने के लिए दुनिया भर में खोजता रहता है। महाराजी ने आगे कहा कि आत्मज्ञान के द्वारा मनुष्य अपने भीतर के भगवान को जान सकता है, उसका अनुभव कर सकता है।
स्वांस के महत्व पर प्रकाश डालते हुए महाराजी ने पूछा कि वास्तव में तुम्हारी अपनी चीज क्या है। उन्होंने बताया कि जो तुम्हारे हृदय में बैठा है, वह तुम्हारा अपना है। यह जो स्वांस अभी-अभी तुम्हारे अंदर आया, यह तुम्हारा अपना है। इसे कोई चुरा नहीं सकता, कोई किसी को दे नहीं सकता। क्या अपने जीवन में तुम इसके महत्व को समझते हो?
महाराजी ने कहा कि लोग जीवन सफल बनाने के लिए भगवान के आशीर्वाद की कामना करते हैं। उन्होंने कहा कि परमपिता परमेश्वर ने पहले ही तुम्हें स्वांस के रूप में अपना आशीर्वाद दे दिया है। जब तक यह स्वांस तुम्हारे अंदर आ रहा है और जा रहा है, उसका हाथ तुम्हारे सिर पर है। प्रश्न उठता है कि फिर मनुष्य दुख क्यों उठाता है। महाराजी ने समझाया कि जब तक तुम जीवित हो तुम्हारे अंदर सुख और दुख दोनों ही अनुभव करने की क्षमता है, जब तुम दुनिया से चले जाओगे तो फिर किसी चीज का अनुभव नहीं कर पाओगे।
महाराजी ने हाल ही इटली में संपन्न हुए अपने कार्यक्रम की याद करते हुए शांति के बारे में समझाया कि शांति भगवान की सुगंध है जो मनुष्य के भीतर स्थित है। वह ऐसी सुगंध है कि मनुष्य उसमें अपना सारा तन, मन, समय सब खोकर उसका आनंद ले। जब वह उसे महसूस करता है तब उसके जीवन में शांति आती है और वह संशय, दुख और भ्रम की दुर्गंध से बचता है।
महाराजी ने कहा कि अज्ञानता के कारण लोग भगवान पर भी शंका करते हैं। उन्होंने कहा कि शंका व भ्रम से निकल कर सर्वप्रथम आत्मज्ञान के द्वारा उस परम सत्ता का अपने हृदय में अनुभव करो, और तब भगवान पर विश्वास करो। अंध-विश्वास नहीं।
महाराजी ने कहा कि एक दिन आएगा कि यह मनुष्य जाति नहीं रहेगी, किन्तु वह भगवान अनंत है, वो था, है, और हमेशा रहेगा। उसकी कोई सीमा नहीं है। तुम्हारे लिए सबसे बड़ी खुशखबरी यह है कि तुम जीवित हो और उसे अपने हृदय में जान सकते हो, उसका अनुभव कर सकते हो, तब तुम्हारे जीवन में आनंद की ऐसी लहर आएगी कि चाहे अपार दुख क्यों न आएं परंतु वे तुम्हें प्रभावित नहीं कर पाएंगे। चाहे तुम बूढ़े हो या जवान हो, धनी हो या निर्धन हो, दुर्बल हो या शक्तिशाली हो, हर एक व्यक्ति के जीवन में यह संभावना है।
महाराजी ने आगे कहा कि जीवन में जीते जी शांति को प्राप्त करने के लिए मनुष्य बालक के हृदय के साथ, छल कपट को त्यागकर समय के महापुरुष से आत्मज्ञान को प्राप्त करे। उन्होंने कहा कि खोजो, ढूंढो, जहां मिले वहीं ठीक है, अगर नहीं मिले तो मैं तुम्हारी मदद कर सकता हूं। मैं यह प्रेम व मानवता के नाते से कह रहा हूं, किसी अहंकारवश नहीं। मैंने बहुत पहले कहा था, "तुम मुझे प्रेम दो, मैं तुम्हें शांति दूंगा।" इसी संदेश को लेकर मैं सारे संसार में जाता हूं और लोगों को शांति और प्रेम का संदेश देता हूं।
"महत्व आत्मज्ञान का "
पवित्र गंगा के किनारे, विंध्याचल पर्वत श्रृंखला में बसा मिर्जापुर शहर एक ऐतिहासिक शहर है। मिर्जापुर से लगभग 16 किमी की दूरी पर स्थित सिकटही ग्राम में सतनाम फ्लैग्स फाउन्डेशन की ओर से आयोजित कार्यक्रम में मिर्जापुर एवं समीपवर्ती इलाकों के लगभग 10 हजार लोगों ने महाराजी के सत्संग का आनंद उठाया। कार्यक्रम के प्रारंभ में संतो के प्रेरणादायी भजनों के उपरांत महाराजी के जीवन परिचय की झलक वीडियो के माध्यम से दिखाई गई, जिसका श्रोताओं ने भरपूर आंनद उठाया।
इस अवसर पर महाराजी ने अपनी पुरानी यादों को ताजा करते हुए कहा कि कई साल पहले, जब मैं बहुत छोटा था तो मैंने कहा था कि मिर्जापुर से पूरी दुनिया में सतनाम का झंडा लहरायेगा, जो आज सच साबित हुआ।
महाराजी ने कहा कि दुनिया की जिन चीजों पर तुम गर्व करते हो, यह सब यहीं रह जायेंगी। यह शरीर मिट्टी का बना है और एक दिन मिट्टी में मिल जाएगा। ऐसी चीज से नाता जोड़ो जो तुमसे कभी जुदा न हो। उन्होंने आत्मज्ञान की आवश्यकता पर बल देते हुए कि ज्ञान से तुम्हारा जीवन सफल हो सकता है। आत्मज्ञान के अभ्यास से दुनिया भर की चिंताओं से मुक्ति मिलती है और मनुष्य जीते-जी जीवन में परमानंद के अनुभव को प्राप्त करता है और उसका हृदय अपने ज्ञान-दाता के प्रति सच्चे आभार से भर जाता है जिसने उसे परमानंद को पाने का सच्चा मार्ग दिखाया है।
महाराजी ने स्पष्ट किया कि हम धर्म और पुस्तक में लिखी बातों की चर्चा नहीं करते। हमारा संदेश है कि इस ज्ञान के द्वारा तुम अपना जीवन सफल कर सकते हो। तुम अपने जीवन में प्रकाश लाने के लिए अंधेरे को दूर करना चाहते हो। अंधेरा प्रकाश के बिल्कुल करीब है, किन्तु जहां प्रकाश है, वहां अंधेरा नहीं है। अंधेरे को दूर करने के लिए जीवन में ज्ञान के दीये को जलाओ और उसे सदा अपने पास रखो, तुम जहां भी जाओगे, वहीं प्रकाश हो जाएगा। महाराजी ने कहा कि जीवन मार्ग में अनेक तरह की बाधाएं आती हैं जिनसे मनुष्य दुखी हो जाता है। गुरु महाराजी तुम्हारे अंधेरे जीवन में ज्ञान का दीया जलाते हैं जिससे तुम्हें जीवन में ठोकर न खानी पड़े। अपने दीये में समझ रूपी तेल को डालो, गुरु महाराजी जो ज्ञान देते हैं उसकी आग इसमें जलने दो, ताकि तुम्हारे जीवन मे प्रकाश हो।
महाराजी ने कहा कि मनुष्य अनिष्ट की आशंकाओं से पीड़ित रहता है। भय के कारण भगवान की आराधना करता है कि कहीं भगवान रूठ न जाएं जबकि सच्चाई यह है कि वह तो परम दयालु है। वह भगवान तो तब भी था, जब उसकी आराधना करने के लिए मनुष्य का अस्तित्व ही नहीं था।
महाराजी ने कहा कि मनुष्य सांसारिक मान्यताओं रूपी डब्बे में कैद रहता है, और गुरु महाराजी बिना उस डब्बे को खोले, छुए उसे उस कैद से मुक्ति दिलाते हैं। उनके पास विधि है, वे ही हैं जो बताते हैं कि इस डब्बे में एक छेद है और वह छेद है मनुष्य का हृदय, जिसके द्वारा तुम उस कैद से निकलकर बच सकते हो। उन्होंने कहा कि मनुष्य के हृदय में ही मौजूद है उसे कैद से आजाद करने की चाबी। उसके हृदय में अपने सृष्टिकर्ता को जानने की प्यास लगती है और वहीं वह परम आंनद भी मौजूद है।
महाराजी ने कहा कि मनुष्य अज्ञानता के कारण भगवान को मनुष्य रूप दे देता है। चित्रकार अपनी कल्पना से भगवान की फोटो बनाता है और लोग फोटों में ही उलझकर असली चीज से वंचित रह जाते हैं। महाराजी ने कहा कि जैसे कोई पत्नी की फोटो को ही सबकुछ मानकर उससे प्यार करने लगे और पत्नी को छोड़ दे तो उसे उचित नहीं कहा जा सकता है। उसी तरह जीवन में असली चीज को भी समझो। महाराजी ने कहा कि हम जीते जी स्वर्ग का आनंद लेने की बात करते हैं। सच्ची जिज्ञासा और प्यास से आगे बढ़ो।
कार्यक्रम के बाद श्रोताओं ने अपने उद्गार व्यक्त करते हुए कहा कि उन्हें यह कार्यक्रम इतना अच्छा लगा कि इसे शब्दों में व्यक्त नहीं किया जा सकता। कभी सोचा भी नहीं था कि इस जंगल के बीच में भी इतना अद्भुत प्रोग्राम होगा और सत्संग की गंगा बहेगी।
इस अवसर पर महाराजी ने अपनी पुरानी यादों को ताजा करते हुए कहा कि कई साल पहले, जब मैं बहुत छोटा था तो मैंने कहा था कि मिर्जापुर से पूरी दुनिया में सतनाम का झंडा लहरायेगा, जो आज सच साबित हुआ।
महाराजी ने कहा कि दुनिया की जिन चीजों पर तुम गर्व करते हो, यह सब यहीं रह जायेंगी। यह शरीर मिट्टी का बना है और एक दिन मिट्टी में मिल जाएगा। ऐसी चीज से नाता जोड़ो जो तुमसे कभी जुदा न हो। उन्होंने आत्मज्ञान की आवश्यकता पर बल देते हुए कि ज्ञान से तुम्हारा जीवन सफल हो सकता है। आत्मज्ञान के अभ्यास से दुनिया भर की चिंताओं से मुक्ति मिलती है और मनुष्य जीते-जी जीवन में परमानंद के अनुभव को प्राप्त करता है और उसका हृदय अपने ज्ञान-दाता के प्रति सच्चे आभार से भर जाता है जिसने उसे परमानंद को पाने का सच्चा मार्ग दिखाया है।
महाराजी ने स्पष्ट किया कि हम धर्म और पुस्तक में लिखी बातों की चर्चा नहीं करते। हमारा संदेश है कि इस ज्ञान के द्वारा तुम अपना जीवन सफल कर सकते हो। तुम अपने जीवन में प्रकाश लाने के लिए अंधेरे को दूर करना चाहते हो। अंधेरा प्रकाश के बिल्कुल करीब है, किन्तु जहां प्रकाश है, वहां अंधेरा नहीं है। अंधेरे को दूर करने के लिए जीवन में ज्ञान के दीये को जलाओ और उसे सदा अपने पास रखो, तुम जहां भी जाओगे, वहीं प्रकाश हो जाएगा। महाराजी ने कहा कि जीवन मार्ग में अनेक तरह की बाधाएं आती हैं जिनसे मनुष्य दुखी हो जाता है। गुरु महाराजी तुम्हारे अंधेरे जीवन में ज्ञान का दीया जलाते हैं जिससे तुम्हें जीवन में ठोकर न खानी पड़े। अपने दीये में समझ रूपी तेल को डालो, गुरु महाराजी जो ज्ञान देते हैं उसकी आग इसमें जलने दो, ताकि तुम्हारे जीवन मे प्रकाश हो।
महाराजी ने कहा कि मनुष्य अनिष्ट की आशंकाओं से पीड़ित रहता है। भय के कारण भगवान की आराधना करता है कि कहीं भगवान रूठ न जाएं जबकि सच्चाई यह है कि वह तो परम दयालु है। वह भगवान तो तब भी था, जब उसकी आराधना करने के लिए मनुष्य का अस्तित्व ही नहीं था।
महाराजी ने कहा कि मनुष्य सांसारिक मान्यताओं रूपी डब्बे में कैद रहता है, और गुरु महाराजी बिना उस डब्बे को खोले, छुए उसे उस कैद से मुक्ति दिलाते हैं। उनके पास विधि है, वे ही हैं जो बताते हैं कि इस डब्बे में एक छेद है और वह छेद है मनुष्य का हृदय, जिसके द्वारा तुम उस कैद से निकलकर बच सकते हो। उन्होंने कहा कि मनुष्य के हृदय में ही मौजूद है उसे कैद से आजाद करने की चाबी। उसके हृदय में अपने सृष्टिकर्ता को जानने की प्यास लगती है और वहीं वह परम आंनद भी मौजूद है।
महाराजी ने कहा कि मनुष्य अज्ञानता के कारण भगवान को मनुष्य रूप दे देता है। चित्रकार अपनी कल्पना से भगवान की फोटो बनाता है और लोग फोटों में ही उलझकर असली चीज से वंचित रह जाते हैं। महाराजी ने कहा कि जैसे कोई पत्नी की फोटो को ही सबकुछ मानकर उससे प्यार करने लगे और पत्नी को छोड़ दे तो उसे उचित नहीं कहा जा सकता है। उसी तरह जीवन में असली चीज को भी समझो। महाराजी ने कहा कि हम जीते जी स्वर्ग का आनंद लेने की बात करते हैं। सच्ची जिज्ञासा और प्यास से आगे बढ़ो।
कार्यक्रम के बाद श्रोताओं ने अपने उद्गार व्यक्त करते हुए कहा कि उन्हें यह कार्यक्रम इतना अच्छा लगा कि इसे शब्दों में व्यक्त नहीं किया जा सकता। कभी सोचा भी नहीं था कि इस जंगल के बीच में भी इतना अद्भुत प्रोग्राम होगा और सत्संग की गंगा बहेगी।
"सतनाम की कमाई करो "
बिहार के नवादा शहर के गंघौली ग्राम में प्रात: 9 बजे से आयोजित एक अविस्मरणीय कार्यक्रम में महाराजी ने लगभग तीन लाख लोगों को सम्बोधित किया। इस अवसर पर प्रारंभ में संतों के सुंदर भजनों एवं कार्टून फिल्मों के माध्यम से मानव जीवन को सफल बनाने के लिए प्रेरणादायक संदेश दिया गया। एक दिन पूर्व की रात्रि से नवादा जिले के निकटवर्ती जिलों से कार्यक्रम में भाग लेने के लिए लोगों के आने का जो क्रम चालू हुआ वह कार्यक्रम प्रारंभ होने के बाद तक जारी रहा। कार्यक्रम में समाज के सभी वर्गों व स्तर केलोग मौजूद थे।
महाराजी ने अपने सम्बोधन में विभिन्न संतो के उद्धरणों को देते हुए समझाया कि इस जीवन को सफल बनाने के लिए आत्मज्ञान की जरूरत है। दुनिया में लोगों का यही दृष्टिकोण रहता है कि खाओ, पीओ और मौज उड़ाओ। लेकिन मेरा कहना है कि साथ ही सतनाम की कमाई भी करो, तभी जीवन में असली मौज उड़ाना संभव हो जाएगा। असली मौज तब मिलेगी जब आत्मज्ञान के द्वारा उस परमपिता परमेश्वर को जान जाओगे और अपने हृदय में उसका दर्शन करोगे।
महाराजी ने कहा कि मनुष्य ने भगवान को अलादीन के चिराग की तरह समझा हुआ है। वह अपनी इच्छाओं की पूर्ति के लिए भगवान की भक्ति करता है। वह पुत्र, धन, वैभव, नौकरी आदि को पाने के लिए भगवान का आशीर्वाद चाहता है जबकि भगवान ने पहले ही उसे सबकुछ दे रखा है। सबसे बड़ा आशीर्वाद ये एक-एक स्वांस है जो बिना कुछ यत्न किए मनुष्य के अंदर आ रहा है और जा रहा है। क्या लोग जीवन में इस स्वांस की कीमत को समझते हैं?
महाराजी ने कहा कि इस संसार में कोई निर्धन नहीं है, सबके पास अनमोल हीरा है, पर हमें उसको पाने की विधि ज्ञात नहीं है, इसीलिए दुखी हैं। सद्गुरु से वह विधि जानकर हम अपने जीवन को पूरी तरह से सफल बना सकते हैं। महाराजी ने कहा कि मनुष्य को आत्मज्ञान की जरूरत है। गुरु के बिना ज्ञान नहीं होता है। छल कपट को त्याग कर, बालक का हृदय लेकर सद्गुरु से ज्ञान प्राप्त करना चाहिए।
महाराजी ने कहा कि मनुष्य अपनी कल्पना से भगवान को पाने की कोशिश करता है। जो अनंत, अनादि और सर्वत्र है, ऐसे सर्वशक्तिमान भगवान को वह अपनी कल्पना से कैसे पा सकता है?
भगवदगीता से उदाहरण देते हुए महाराजी ने कहा कि भगवान कृष्ण अर्जुन को समझाते हुए कहते हैं कि तुम मुझे अपनी इन आंखों से नहीं देख सकते हो, मैं तुम्हें दिव्य चक्षु देता हूं। महाराजी ने कहा कि वह अविनाशी हंस प्रत्येक व्यक्ति के घट में मौजूद है, अगर उसे देखना चाहते हो तो ज्ञान की आवश्यकता है।
महाराजी ने वर्तमान अर्थ व्यवस्था की चिंताजनक दशा का वर्णन करते हुए कहा कि स्टॉक मार्केट डाउन हो गए हैं। ऐसी दशा में कितने ही लोगों ने निराश होकर आत्महत्या कर ली है। वहीं दूसरी ओर संतो ने आशा का संदेश दिया है कि वह भगवान जो आनंद का भंडार है, अलख है, अविनाशी है, हर एक प्राणी के घट में विराजता है, उसको जानकर मनुष्य अपना जीवन सफल कर सकता है। महाराजी ने कहा कि मेरा संदेश हर उस व्यक्ति के लिए है जो अपने जीवन को सफल बनाना चाहता है। अपने जीवन को जीते जी स्वर्ग बनाओ।
जीवन के गूढ़ तत्व को महाराजी ने बहुत ही सरल तरीके से अपने विशिष्ट अंदाज में इस तरह समझाया मानो वे वहां उपस्थित एक-एक व्यक्ति को सम्बोधित कर रहे हों।
"जीवन मे शान्ति का महत्व "
प्रकृति की गोद में स्थित बनटोली, रांची में बही सत्संग की गंगा! महाराजी
25 मार्च 2009
रांची शहर से लगभग 35 किमी की दूरी पर स्थित छोटा सा गांव बनटोली की प्राकृतिक छटा देखने लायक है, छोटी-छोटी पहाड़ियां और ऋतुराज बसंत में पुष्पों की सुगंध से सुवासित शीतल बयार यहां के प्राकृतिक सौन्दर्य में चार चांद लगा देती है। 25 मार्च 2009 को यहां राज विद्या केन्द्र के परिसर में आयोजित एक अभूतपूरव सत्संग व होली कार्यक्रम में भाग लेने आए लगभग एक लाख लोगों के दिलों को ज्ञान से ओत-प्रोत कर दिया। एक दिन पूर्व से ही बनटोली में लोगों के आने का सिलसिला जो शुरू हुआ वह कार्यक्रम तक चलता रहा। रांची व आसपास के जिलों से आए लोग गुरु महाराजी की एक झलक की दर्शन करने व उनके अमृत वचनों को सुनने के लिए बेताब हो रहे थे।
अपने सम्बोधन के प्रारंभ में महाराजी ने शांति को मनुष्य जीवन की प्राथमिकता बताते हुए कहा कि अगर जीवन से शांति चली गई, तो उसके पास सबकुछ होते हुए भी कुछ नहीं है। मनुष्य जीवन में जो कुछ भी कर्म करता है, उसके मूल में यही है कि जीवन सुख, चैन व शांति से भरा हो। जो मूल चीज है, उसे मनुष्य को कभी नहीं भूलना चाहिए। मनुष्य के जीवन में सुख और दुख दोनों ही आते हैं। पर जब दिक्कतें आती हैं तो मनुष्य घबरा जाता है, भ्रमित हो जाता है कि सत्य क्या है। लोग तो मुसीबत में पड़कर भगवान पर भी शंका करने लगते हैं कि भगवान है भी कि नहीं, या हे भगवान तूने मुझे क्यों छोड़ दिया। महाराजी ने कहा कि यदि तुम अच्छे समय का आनंद ले रहे हो तो साथ ही बुरे समय के लिए भी तैयारी करते रहो। यदि तुम जागृत रहोगे तो फिर कठिन से कठिन समय भी आसानी से कट जाएगा।
महाराजी ने कहा कि असली चीज मनुष्य के भीतर है, बाहर नहीं। उन्होंने कहा कि ज्ञान की कथा अनंत है। यह कथा तुम्हारी कथा है, जिनको ज्ञान मिला है यह उनके जीवन की कथा है। इस कथा का प्रसाद है वह आनंद जो तुम अपने जीवन मे प्राप्त करते हो।
इस अवसर पर लोगों ने अपने हृदय के उद्गारों को महाराजी व उपस्थित जन समूह के सामने व्यक्त किया और महाराजी से अपने प्रश्नों का समाधान प्राप्त किया। एक जिज्ञासु हृदय के भावों के प्रत्युत्तर में महाराजी ने कहा कि ज्ञान मार्ग में भी मनुष्य को परिश्रम करना चाहिए। दैनिक जीवन में अनुशासन के महत्व पर जोर देते हुए महाराजी ने समझाया कि अनुशासन का पालन करने से दुष्कर कार्य भी बेहतर हो सकते हैं। जैसे हम हर कार्य के लिए समय निर्धारित करते हैं, वैसे ही ज्ञान अभ्यास के लिए भी समय निश्चित करना चाहिए क्योंकि जहां चाह है वहां राह जरूर निकलती है। ज्ञान से जुड़े रहने के लिए व्यक्ति को खुद ही प्रयास करना होगा। जीवन में अनुशासन का पालन करने से यह कार्य अति सरल हो जाता है।
सत्संग कार्यक्रम के बाद अपार जन समूह ने लोकगीत व भजनों का आनंद लिया। 'गुरु चरण में चढ़इले गेंदा फूल हरे लाले लाल' और 'बनटोली मे फिर आना गुरु महाराज' ने तो हर भक्त के हृदय की भावनाओं को ही जैसे व्यक्त कर दिया था। इस कार्यक्रम ने सभी के हृदयों में अपनी अमिट छाप छोड़ दी। बनटोली का यह कार्यक्रम एक अविस्मरणीय कार्यक्रम रहा। महाराजी से एक नयी जीवन-दृष्टि व प्रेरणा पाकर लोगों के हृदय आनंद व प्रेम से भर गए।
"बूंद की ख्वाहिश "
बूंद की ख्वाहिश!महाराजी
29 मार्च 2009
लोकोक्ति के अनुसार भगवान शंकर की प्राचीन नगरी बनारस के निकट और ऋषि-मुनियों के तपस्थली गाजीपुर के सैदपुर में महाराजी का प्रवचन सुनने के लिए लाखों लोग उपस्थित थे। स्टेज पर जब सुबह नौ बजे महाराजी का पदार्पण हुआ तो अपार जन समूह और बादलों की लुकाछिपी और ठंडी हवाओं के साथ ही मानो पूरी प्रकृति ने उनका स्वागत किया। इस अवसर पर विशाल जनसमूह को सम्बोधित करते हुए महाराजी ने मनुष्य शरीर की तुलना एक बूंद से करते हुए समझाया कि पानी की नन्हीं-सी बूंद में अपार क्षमता होती है। वह पहाड़ों का नामोनिशान मिटा सकती है, शहरों व ग्रामों तक बिजली पहुंचा सकती है, सारी मनुष्य जाति को खाना खिला सकती है, पर बूंद की असली ख्वाहिश तो समुद्र से मिलने की रहती है। नदी के रूप में वह निरंतर समुद्र से मिलने के लिए बहती है। जब वह बूंद समुद्र में मिल जाती है तो तृप्त हो जाती है और समुद्र के रूप में परिवर्तित हो जाती है।
महाराजी ने कहा कि मनुष्य भी एक बूंद के समान है, वह भी लीन होना चाहता है अपने समुद्र के साथ। वह ऐसा समुद्र है जिसके हजारों नाम रखे गए हैं - परमपिता परमेश्वर, भगवान, अल्लाह, गॉड इत्यादि इत्यादि। ये सभी नाम मनुष्य द्वारा बनाई गई भाषा के अस्तित्व में आने के बाद ही सामने आए, जबकि वह परम शक्ति भाषा से परे है। उसे लोग मानते तो जरूर हैं, पर जानते नहीं हैं, आवश्यकता है उसे जानने की, ताकि जीवन में असली संतुष्टि हो सके। जिस चीज की मनुष्य को तलाश है वह मनुष्य के अंदर ही है। महाराजी ने कहा कि जीवन में चाहे तुमने सबकुछ प्राप्त कर लिया, पर अगर आत्मज्ञान को नहीं पाया तो तुम्हारा जीवन अधूरा ही रह जायेगा। आत्मज्ञान सबसे श्रेष्ठ है।
महाराजी ने कहा कि यह ज्ञान अनमोल है, इसकी कोई कीमत नहीं है और प्रेम के नाते मैं हृदय से यह ज्ञान लोगों को देता हूं। अपने जीवन में आत्मज्ञान को खोजो, ढूंढकर उस समुद्र रूपी परमेश्वर से मिलने के अपने मकसद को पूर्ण करो। अगर वह तुम्हें कहीं और न मिले, तो हमारे पास आअो, मैं तुम्हारी मदद कर सकता हूं। क्योंकि मैं यही कार्य करता हूं।
उपस्थित जन समुदाय ने महाराजी के प्रेरणादायक सत्संग को हृदय स सुना और जीवन में सच्ची सुख-शांति को प्राप्त करने के लिए एक नयी दिशा पाई। स्थानीय लोग महाराजी को सुनकर भाव विह्वल थे। उनके उद्गार थे कि अब यह स्थली हमारे लिए तीर्थ स्थल के रूप में परिवर्तित हो गई। लोगों का कहना था कि आज ऐसे गुरु महाराजी से हमारा क्षेत्र और हम लोग धन्य हो गए। आयोजकों से महाराजी को इस क्षेत्र में बार-बार आने और अपने प्रवचनों से हम लोगों को लाभान्वित करने के लिए स्थानीय लोगों द्वारा अनुरोध किया गया।
"जो सुख साध संग, सो बैकुंठ न होय"
जो सुख साध संग, सो बैकुंठ न होय : महाराजी
4 अप्रैल, 2009
मनुष्य का स्वभाव बन गया है कि वह अपनी जिंदगी को गंभीरता से नहीं लेता। भगवान ने उसे दो हाथ दिए लेकिन उस हाथ से मनुष्य बनाता भी है और बिगाड़ता भी है। मनुष्य को उस समय अपनी जिंदगी की कीमत का एहसास होता है, जब उसे पता चलता है कि अब उसके चंद दिन ही बचे हैं। सद्गुरु ज्ञान देकर मनुष्य को यह समझाने का प्रयास करते हैं कि हर दिन जो तुम्हारे जीवन में मिलता है वह परमात्मा का प्रसाद है। यही नहीं मनुष्य गलतफहमी में यह भी समझता है कि जीना उसका अधिकार है लेकिन उसे अपना हक यह समझना चाहिए कि हम इस जीवन में उस परम शांति का जो हमारे हृदय में स्थित है उसका अनुभव कर सकते हैं। यह नहीं कि हमें अपनी जिंदगी में कब क्या करना है और कितने साल जीना है। इसका हिसाब-किताब रखने के लिए न हमारे पास अधिकार हैं और न ही हम रख सकते हैं क्योंकि उस परमात्मा की योजना इस सृष्टि में पूरी होती है, न कि मनुष्य की।
ये विचार आज डिग्गी पावलिया में महाराजी ने 35 हजार से अधिक लोगों को संबोधित करते हुए व्यक्त किए। महाराजी ने ज्ञान प्राप्त लोगों को सम्बोधित करते हुए कहा कि सुख के लिए मनुष्य भटकता रहता है लेकिन संतो ने कहा कि असली सुख तो सद्गुरु की संगति है। ऐसा सुख तो बैकुंठ में भी नहीं मिलेगा। क्योंकि सद्गुरु ही तुम्हें सत्संग और ज्ञान अभ्यास के लिए प्रेरणा देते हैं। उन्होंने कहा कि कलियुग ऐसा युग है जिसमें सबकुछ उल्टा हो रहा है। यहां तक यदि भगवान कृष्ण इस युग में होते तो उनके खिलाफ भी लोग आंदोलन करते। लेकिन यह सच है कि कलियुग में भी तुम्हें ज्ञान मिल रहा है जिसकी चर्चा सब वेदों और धर्मग्रन्थों में है और जिनके बारे में कहा जाता है कि यह भगवान की वाणी है। महाराजी ने कहा कि उस ज्ञान का अभ्यास करो। समय की कमी का बहाना बनाने से काम नहीं चलेगा। जब तक तुम अपने लिए समय नहीं निकाल सकते तो समझो तुमने माया के पीछे सबकुछ बेच दिया। जो भगवान ने तुम्हें समय दिया है, उसे व्यर्थ गंवा दिया।
महाराजी ने कहा कि अमीर बनो परंतु नाम की कमाई भी करके हृदय से भी अमीर बनो। सत्संग, भजन और सेवा जो भी तुमसे बन पड़े करो जिससे गुरु महाराजी से तार जुड़ा रहे। जिंदगी में अनुशासन के महत्व के बारे में महाराजी ने कहा कि स्वस्थ रहने के लिए डाक्टरों की सलाह है कि आहार-विहार समय पर होना चाहिए। उसी तरह सेवा, सत्संग और भजन के मामले में भी यदि थोड़ा-सा अनुशासन हो तो तुम्हारी जिंदगी बदल जाएगी।
महाराजी ने दोपहर में होली भी खेली। जयपुर में यह पहली होली थी। सभी ने महाराजी के साथ होली का भरपूर आनंद उठाया।
4 अप्रैल, 2009
मनुष्य का स्वभाव बन गया है कि वह अपनी जिंदगी को गंभीरता से नहीं लेता। भगवान ने उसे दो हाथ दिए लेकिन उस हाथ से मनुष्य बनाता भी है और बिगाड़ता भी है। मनुष्य को उस समय अपनी जिंदगी की कीमत का एहसास होता है, जब उसे पता चलता है कि अब उसके चंद दिन ही बचे हैं। सद्गुरु ज्ञान देकर मनुष्य को यह समझाने का प्रयास करते हैं कि हर दिन जो तुम्हारे जीवन में मिलता है वह परमात्मा का प्रसाद है। यही नहीं मनुष्य गलतफहमी में यह भी समझता है कि जीना उसका अधिकार है लेकिन उसे अपना हक यह समझना चाहिए कि हम इस जीवन में उस परम शांति का जो हमारे हृदय में स्थित है उसका अनुभव कर सकते हैं। यह नहीं कि हमें अपनी जिंदगी में कब क्या करना है और कितने साल जीना है। इसका हिसाब-किताब रखने के लिए न हमारे पास अधिकार हैं और न ही हम रख सकते हैं क्योंकि उस परमात्मा की योजना इस सृष्टि में पूरी होती है, न कि मनुष्य की।
ये विचार आज डिग्गी पावलिया में महाराजी ने 35 हजार से अधिक लोगों को संबोधित करते हुए व्यक्त किए। महाराजी ने ज्ञान प्राप्त लोगों को सम्बोधित करते हुए कहा कि सुख के लिए मनुष्य भटकता रहता है लेकिन संतो ने कहा कि असली सुख तो सद्गुरु की संगति है। ऐसा सुख तो बैकुंठ में भी नहीं मिलेगा। क्योंकि सद्गुरु ही तुम्हें सत्संग और ज्ञान अभ्यास के लिए प्रेरणा देते हैं। उन्होंने कहा कि कलियुग ऐसा युग है जिसमें सबकुछ उल्टा हो रहा है। यहां तक यदि भगवान कृष्ण इस युग में होते तो उनके खिलाफ भी लोग आंदोलन करते। लेकिन यह सच है कि कलियुग में भी तुम्हें ज्ञान मिल रहा है जिसकी चर्चा सब वेदों और धर्मग्रन्थों में है और जिनके बारे में कहा जाता है कि यह भगवान की वाणी है। महाराजी ने कहा कि उस ज्ञान का अभ्यास करो। समय की कमी का बहाना बनाने से काम नहीं चलेगा। जब तक तुम अपने लिए समय नहीं निकाल सकते तो समझो तुमने माया के पीछे सबकुछ बेच दिया। जो भगवान ने तुम्हें समय दिया है, उसे व्यर्थ गंवा दिया।
महाराजी ने कहा कि अमीर बनो परंतु नाम की कमाई भी करके हृदय से भी अमीर बनो। सत्संग, भजन और सेवा जो भी तुमसे बन पड़े करो जिससे गुरु महाराजी से तार जुड़ा रहे। जिंदगी में अनुशासन के महत्व के बारे में महाराजी ने कहा कि स्वस्थ रहने के लिए डाक्टरों की सलाह है कि आहार-विहार समय पर होना चाहिए। उसी तरह सेवा, सत्संग और भजन के मामले में भी यदि थोड़ा-सा अनुशासन हो तो तुम्हारी जिंदगी बदल जाएगी।
महाराजी ने दोपहर में होली भी खेली। जयपुर में यह पहली होली थी। सभी ने महाराजी के साथ होली का भरपूर आनंद उठाया।
Maharaji Lecture In Tokyo, Japan
Maharaji In Tokyo,Japan
महाराजी के प्रवचन के कुछ अंश इस प्रकार हैं :
* इस संसार के लोग शांति चाहते हैं, क्योंकि शांति का संस्कृति से, अधिक शिक्षा से, धन से, आप किस प्रकार रहते हैं, क्या बोलते हैं, क्या हासिल किया है, किस प्रकार सोचते हैं, क्या सोचते हैं, आदि से कुछ भी लेना-देना नहीं है, बल्कि शांति की इच्छा हर एक मनुष्य में स्वाभाविक रूप से है।
* यदि शांति पाने की आपके अंदर इच्छा है, आप इस बात को समझते हैं और इसे स्वीकर करते हैं तो शांति प्राप्त करने की यात्रा में यह पहला कदम है।
* आपको अपने जीवन में अनुभव करने की जरूरत है। इस बात का केवल विश्वास ही नहीं करना है कि आपको शांति की जरूरत है बल्कि आपको शांति का अनुभव करना है।
* जिनके पास ज्ञान है उनसे मेरा यही कहना है कि इसका आनंद लो। और जिनके पास यह ज्ञान नहीं है, सीखो और आगे बढ़ो। अपने जीवन में ज्ञान प्राप्त करने की जिज्ञासा बढ़ाओ।
इस प्रकार बड़ा ही सुंदर व प्रेरणादायक यह कार्यक्रम संपन्न हुआ। महाराजी को सुनकर लोगों के हृदय आभार से भर गये।
महाराजी के प्रवचन के कुछ अंश इस प्रकार हैं :
* इस संसार के लोग शांति चाहते हैं, क्योंकि शांति का संस्कृति से, अधिक शिक्षा से, धन से, आप किस प्रकार रहते हैं, क्या बोलते हैं, क्या हासिल किया है, किस प्रकार सोचते हैं, क्या सोचते हैं, आदि से कुछ भी लेना-देना नहीं है, बल्कि शांति की इच्छा हर एक मनुष्य में स्वाभाविक रूप से है।
* यदि शांति पाने की आपके अंदर इच्छा है, आप इस बात को समझते हैं और इसे स्वीकर करते हैं तो शांति प्राप्त करने की यात्रा में यह पहला कदम है।
* आपको अपने जीवन में अनुभव करने की जरूरत है। इस बात का केवल विश्वास ही नहीं करना है कि आपको शांति की जरूरत है बल्कि आपको शांति का अनुभव करना है।
* जिनके पास ज्ञान है उनसे मेरा यही कहना है कि इसका आनंद लो। और जिनके पास यह ज्ञान नहीं है, सीखो और आगे बढ़ो। अपने जीवन में ज्ञान प्राप्त करने की जिज्ञासा बढ़ाओ।
इस प्रकार बड़ा ही सुंदर व प्रेरणादायक यह कार्यक्रम संपन्न हुआ। महाराजी को सुनकर लोगों के हृदय आभार से भर गये।
"हृदय के सवालों का जवाब"
Maharaji In Italy
5 जुलाई, 2009
इटली देश के पोटेन्जा शहर में 5 जुलाई 2009 को यहां के गणमान्य व वििशष्ट व्यक्तियों के लिए महाराजी का एक कार्यक्रम सम्पन्न हुआ। इस शहर को 'शांति का शहर' के नाम से जाना जाता है। भाव-भीनी संगीत के माहौल में महाराजी का स्वागत करते हुए पोटेन्जा शहर के गर्वनर ने कहा कि प्रेम रावत जी का इस क्षेत्र में होना एक अमिट छाप छोड़ जायेगा। उनका शांति व प्रेम का संदेश मानव जाति के लिए एक सबसे सुंदर धरोहर है।
इटली देश के प्रेसीडेंट कोलोम्बो ने श्रोताओं को सम्बोधित करते हुए कहा कि मुझे बड़ी प्रसन्नता है व मेरा सौभाग्य है कि एक बार िफर प्रेम रावत जी को अपने ही शहर पोटेन्जा में स्वागत करने का मौका मिल रहा है। उन्होंने आगे कहा कि अक्सर लोग कहते हैं कि अगर शांति चाहिए तो युध्द के लिए तैयार हो जाइए परंतु प्रेम रावत जी का कहना है कि अगर आप शांति चाहते हैं तो शांति के लिए तैयार हो जाइए।
अपने संदेश में महाराजी ने कहा :-
* आपके पूर्वज भी वही प्रश्न पूछते थे कि मैं कौन हूं? मैं क्या हूं? मेरे जीवन का लक्ष्य क्या है? आज सारा संसार बदल गया है। सेल फोन है, कारे हैं, पुस्तके हैं, संचार के साधन हैं और लोगों की बहुत सारी समस्याएं हल हो गयी हैं। किन्तु इस तकनीकी युग में भी लोगों के हृदय के सवाल नहीं बदले हैं। लोगों के अंदर अभी भी सवाल हैं कि मैं कौन हूं? मैं क्या हूं? मेरे जीवन का लक्ष्य क्या है? और जिन्होंने इस प्रकार के प्रश्न अभी नहीं पूछे हैं वे कभी न कभी ये प्रश्न पूछेंगे। मैं कौन हूं? मैं क्या हूं? मेरे जीवन का लक्ष्य क्या है?
* संसार में कितने ही धर्म हैं लोग फिर भी ये प्रश्न पूछते हैं। संसार में कितनी ही पुस्तकें हैं फिर भी लोग ये प्रश्न पूछते हैं क्योंकि इनका उत्तर पुस्तकों में नहीं है। इनका उत्तर कही सुनी बातों में नहीं बल्कि अनुभव में, संतुष्टि में, शांति में छिपा है। इन चीजों को समझना जरूरी है। - हजारों बुझी हुई मोम्बत्तियां एक बुझी हुई मोम्बत्ती को नहीं जला सकती है। परंतु एक जलती हुई मोमबत्ती हजारों बुझी हुई मोमबत्ती को जला सकती है। क्योंकि मोमबत्ती को जलाने में संख्या का इससे कुछ लेना-देना नहीं है।
5 जुलाई, 2009
इटली देश के पोटेन्जा शहर में 5 जुलाई 2009 को यहां के गणमान्य व वििशष्ट व्यक्तियों के लिए महाराजी का एक कार्यक्रम सम्पन्न हुआ। इस शहर को 'शांति का शहर' के नाम से जाना जाता है। भाव-भीनी संगीत के माहौल में महाराजी का स्वागत करते हुए पोटेन्जा शहर के गर्वनर ने कहा कि प्रेम रावत जी का इस क्षेत्र में होना एक अमिट छाप छोड़ जायेगा। उनका शांति व प्रेम का संदेश मानव जाति के लिए एक सबसे सुंदर धरोहर है।
इटली देश के प्रेसीडेंट कोलोम्बो ने श्रोताओं को सम्बोधित करते हुए कहा कि मुझे बड़ी प्रसन्नता है व मेरा सौभाग्य है कि एक बार िफर प्रेम रावत जी को अपने ही शहर पोटेन्जा में स्वागत करने का मौका मिल रहा है। उन्होंने आगे कहा कि अक्सर लोग कहते हैं कि अगर शांति चाहिए तो युध्द के लिए तैयार हो जाइए परंतु प्रेम रावत जी का कहना है कि अगर आप शांति चाहते हैं तो शांति के लिए तैयार हो जाइए।
अपने संदेश में महाराजी ने कहा :-
* आपके पूर्वज भी वही प्रश्न पूछते थे कि मैं कौन हूं? मैं क्या हूं? मेरे जीवन का लक्ष्य क्या है? आज सारा संसार बदल गया है। सेल फोन है, कारे हैं, पुस्तके हैं, संचार के साधन हैं और लोगों की बहुत सारी समस्याएं हल हो गयी हैं। किन्तु इस तकनीकी युग में भी लोगों के हृदय के सवाल नहीं बदले हैं। लोगों के अंदर अभी भी सवाल हैं कि मैं कौन हूं? मैं क्या हूं? मेरे जीवन का लक्ष्य क्या है? और जिन्होंने इस प्रकार के प्रश्न अभी नहीं पूछे हैं वे कभी न कभी ये प्रश्न पूछेंगे। मैं कौन हूं? मैं क्या हूं? मेरे जीवन का लक्ष्य क्या है?
* संसार में कितने ही धर्म हैं लोग फिर भी ये प्रश्न पूछते हैं। संसार में कितनी ही पुस्तकें हैं फिर भी लोग ये प्रश्न पूछते हैं क्योंकि इनका उत्तर पुस्तकों में नहीं है। इनका उत्तर कही सुनी बातों में नहीं बल्कि अनुभव में, संतुष्टि में, शांति में छिपा है। इन चीजों को समझना जरूरी है। - हजारों बुझी हुई मोम्बत्तियां एक बुझी हुई मोम्बत्ती को नहीं जला सकती है। परंतु एक जलती हुई मोमबत्ती हजारों बुझी हुई मोमबत्ती को जला सकती है। क्योंकि मोमबत्ती को जलाने में संख्या का इससे कुछ लेना-देना नहीं है।
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