This Blog is dedicated to Maharaji, My Truest Friend....I am posting here Maharaji's Lecture, Photos etc. so that anyone, who is interested to know "what the real possibility of life is", can be benefited.......Enjoy Your Existence......It is not a mere word or Philosophy, It is what Maharaji made possible in my Life. Experiencing Inner PEACE is something We can Proud Of....
Where Experience Matters The Most
Where Experience Matters The Most
Friday, December 31, 2010
Sunday, November 28, 2010
"Maharaji talks about Kabir"
Peace is not a disappointment. Peace is a reality. The joy that is inside of you, is a reality. This is an actuality. And you see, this is where it gets a little funny. If I say it, you migth say, "Aww, I don't know, he said it." So, I bring along Kabir. And when he says it, people go, "O Wow! Kabir said that." And it works very well. Works very well for me. Just bring on along Kabir, and get him to say it. And then people go, "Oh yeah, I got it."
In this world, you become absolutely loved and credible after you die. It is absolutely amazing. Death has a profound effect on people. But thats just how it is. When Kabir was alive, did anyone hear him? No! He died penniless. No credit was given to him. He was just somebody battling this stuff. After his death, "Ohh, have you read his stuff!"
And what does he say? That divine that you are looking for, is inside of you. That Kabir said. See, I said the same thing a few minutes ago, exactly the same thing. Thats why Kabir is great.
What is this world like? He says that people are going all over the place searching and looking for that divine, when that divine dwells in you. Like the musk deer who searches for the scent throughout the forest but the scent resides within its own navel.
He says, imagine a pond and on the pond there grows a lotus and all around the lotus, the bees are buzzing. And the same way, he says, this mind wonders buzzing around all that it finds attractive. And who is caught in it, everyone. All the knowledgeable ones, all the intellectuals, all the ones that have all the credentials, all the holy ones. I did’t say that, Kabir did! They are all buzzing around this stuff.
All the while, the divine is waiting for you, to be acknowledged. The church of churches is within you. The temple of temples is within you. And the one you seek, is within you. What do you need? You need someone who can show you the way inside. Somebody who can put a mirror in front of you, so you can see, who you are.
"Does God Test "?
This is your nature, this is how you are. You have a mind, but you don’t think it is limited. You think it is unlimited. It is very limited. It can think of incredible things, but can it think of obvious things? Not always. Mind can dream about tomorrow. Mind can remember all those things that happened yesterday. But can mind actually help you live in the moment called now? It can’t. It’s not capable. Its job, to either go backwards or forward. Its job is not to think of what is now. It’s only one thing in you that can understand the moment called now and it is your heart. Not your mind. That’s why you have a heart. That one place from where questions don’t come but inspiration does. That one place from where reasoning doesn’t come but gratitude does. Gratitude and understanding that gratitude. Not reasoning. Mind likes to reason. Mind likes to gloat. Human beings like to gloat.
What does God do? In India, people believe God does nothing but test, test, test, test! I ask you a question. The God who tests, does this God know what the result will be? No, you think about this.. okay. People say, God is testing me. So, if the God is testing, that will imply that the God does not know whether you will pass or fail. Because if he already knows, you will fail, what is the point of testing you? If God already knows you will pass, what is the point of testing you. But you think God tests you. If you think that God tests you, then this God that tests you doesn’t know and why would you like to be tested by a God that doesn’t know.
There is a big hole in this theory of "God tests you". God does not test you. You allow yourself to be tested. Who gives you the test? The society gives you the test, your friends give you the test, because they don’t know. Why would God want to test. What would be the reason. It is quite the contrary, that every human being is blessed. The blessing already exists. To understand this that the blessing already exists, thats why you need knowledge. Because nothing shows it clearer. Every day that you sit down to practice it, nothing shows it you clearer that the blessing has already been given to you. Nothing.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Prem Rawat Maharaji Remembers Shri Hansji Maharaj
This video presents an insight into that which has been ambiguous for the longest time.
Who better to hear it from, than the person at the centre of the controversy and who is known for calling it "how it is", my Master Prem Rawat, who I revere by the honorary title Maharaji.
Maharaji talks about the legacy of Shri Hansji Maharaj (HRH Yogiraj ParamHans Satgurudev Shri Hans ji Maharaj) and the wish of Shri Hansji's Master (revered Guru Swarupanandji) for Shri Hansji to further propagate the message with the gift of Knowledge in India, then Shri Hansji's wish and choice for Maharaji to take this message of peace and gift of Knowledge to the rest of the world, and hence the events that unfolded subsequently.
Imagine, one master having a vision that some day this knowledge will be around the world. And he did, and he had to plot a course to make it happen. And he did! He picked one of his kids and said "I want him to learn english". And then not only that, first of all he's born into royalty- A Rawat. He throws it all away, dint want any part of it. Because he wants to find peace. And he searches and searches and he finds a master who gives him peace. That master sees his enthusiasm, his love, and makes him the next master. At this point, there is nothing- No cars, he has no assets. I don't know why this is this way, but all the assets that were, went somewhere else. He said "I don't need it, all i have is my master's blessings and my enthusiasm".
He ended up with a few people who recognized him and knew that he will be the one. So they begin. He's sleeping on benches, train stations, No place to eat, waiting for trains- Propagation begins. Propagation start, then India division happens. And all his work ends up in Pakistan. He comes to India, again he has to start doing propagation and he starts. He buys a place strategically because he knows that some of those people will go to Haridwar (Uttarakhand), which is holy place in India, Atleast once a year around Baisakhi coz they are from Punjab and Baisakhi is one of their festivals. And so he builds a place strategically and puts up his banner with his name. So that when they are going to Haridwar they will see this and make the connection. And some did! So against all odds there is a vision that Knowledge will spread throughout the world!
And that starts it. Today what you see- 2000, 3000, 7000, 100,000 or 300,000 - the seeds of it are planted way back! Not only that, he has a clear vision- 100%, as clear as it gets. He goes and sets up a picnic and his eldest son is in Missouri at this college. He tells eldest son and makes it abundantly clear "Don't try to become anything, and let Sant (which I was called), let him do anything he wants to do". So the vision is as clear as it gets. No questions about it!
Then series of events happen, and then one year I find myself in a photographic studio having my picture taken for a passport, and then the Indian Bureaucracy, and then one day this guy arrives with the passport in hand. At that moment do you realize people in India did not want me to go to the West- No! They had their concepts "No, it's not going out". And then the day came, the tickets came. It was night time flight, I got dressed with two pair of clothes on. I didn't know what was gonna happen. Took-off, landed in Rome, Ended up in England.
And the rest is History. I was sitting in living room, bunch of people looking at me, I'm looking at them. Here we are, it has begun. And it goes and it goes and it goes and it needs to evolve and it will evolve and the time has come to take another step.
Even though reference to the techniques of Knowledge are made earlier than 1700, this is the traceable history thus far
Sri Totapuri Ji Maharaj (1780 - 1866)
Sri Anandpuri Ji Maharaj ( 1782 - 1872)
Sri Adwetanand Ji (1840 - 1919)
Sri Swarupanand Ji Maharaj ( 1884 - 1936)
HRH Yogiraj Param Hans Sadgurudev Sri Hans Ji Maharaj (1900 - 1966)
& Maharaji
Sunday, September 12, 2010
" Our Real Need "
After posting number of articles taken directly from Prem Rawat/Maharaji's addresses delivered all over the world, I finally decided to share my own thoughts with you rather than copying and pasting the same. I hope I could do justice with an age old message of Maharaji and help him to reach all corners of the world.
Today, in the throat cutting competitive world, we all are very much focused about our own future, our own goals and the means to achieve them. We don't want to be misguided so we search for someone who can give us proper suggestions and guidance. The basic reason behind all these stuffs are to save our energy and channelized it in a particular direction so that maximum output can be achieved with the minimum input. All these things are done in order to make our life successful but while making an effort relentlessly towards the goal, we forget that "The True Success starts from Within."
We have so many needs to be fulfilled while pursuing the path to fulfill our needs, we most of the times overlook our true requirement. Requirement, which is not the outcome of the society but the needs which is rather fundamental, simple and profound and that need is to fulfill "The Call of The Heart" and enjoy each and every moment of this life.
Actually whatever we do, we do for making our life comfortable and enjoy life but most of the time we find it really difficult. The reason is that we search for happiness on the outside not within inside of us. We have been taught the formula of being successful in life. People used to say if you have good job, good family, good salary, everything good than you are successful. We often find our self trapped in this formula and start questioning, I have all these things required for being successful than why am I feeling something missing in my own life?
It's all because of these formulas which don't have any base. We blindly follow the formulas overlooking the call of the Heart. Have you ever listened to what our Heart is calling for? Our Heart is desperately waiting for the water which can quench it's thirst. It is waiting for the time when we take our attention within and experience the beauty within, not on the outside. The Creator has given us eyes to see the beauty outside but we have also been given the Heart to see the beauty within. We have heard so many times that "What we are looking for is already within inside of us," but without any experience these are mere words which don't have any significance, like the picture of glass filled with water to a thirsty person. We should no longer satisfy with nice words but we should look for the practical experience.
Thanks to My Master, Maharaji for making it possible for me to go within and experience the ultimate bliss, which can't be expressed in words only felt. What he offers are four techniques, that he calls Knowledge, which takes our attention within inside of us and make it possible to experience the ultimate wonder within.
I hope this simple message will help all of us to think about the possibilities in this life. Time has come to understand our existence and enjoy each and every moment. Knowledge can make it possible for all of us to experience Heaven on this planet Earth. ~ Rupesh Churiwal
Today, in the throat cutting competitive world, we all are very much focused about our own future, our own goals and the means to achieve them. We don't want to be misguided so we search for someone who can give us proper suggestions and guidance. The basic reason behind all these stuffs are to save our energy and channelized it in a particular direction so that maximum output can be achieved with the minimum input. All these things are done in order to make our life successful but while making an effort relentlessly towards the goal, we forget that "The True Success starts from Within."
We have so many needs to be fulfilled while pursuing the path to fulfill our needs, we most of the times overlook our true requirement. Requirement, which is not the outcome of the society but the needs which is rather fundamental, simple and profound and that need is to fulfill "The Call of The Heart" and enjoy each and every moment of this life.
Actually whatever we do, we do for making our life comfortable and enjoy life but most of the time we find it really difficult. The reason is that we search for happiness on the outside not within inside of us. We have been taught the formula of being successful in life. People used to say if you have good job, good family, good salary, everything good than you are successful. We often find our self trapped in this formula and start questioning, I have all these things required for being successful than why am I feeling something missing in my own life?
It's all because of these formulas which don't have any base. We blindly follow the formulas overlooking the call of the Heart. Have you ever listened to what our Heart is calling for? Our Heart is desperately waiting for the water which can quench it's thirst. It is waiting for the time when we take our attention within and experience the beauty within, not on the outside. The Creator has given us eyes to see the beauty outside but we have also been given the Heart to see the beauty within. We have heard so many times that "What we are looking for is already within inside of us," but without any experience these are mere words which don't have any significance, like the picture of glass filled with water to a thirsty person. We should no longer satisfy with nice words but we should look for the practical experience.
Thanks to My Master, Maharaji for making it possible for me to go within and experience the ultimate bliss, which can't be expressed in words only felt. What he offers are four techniques, that he calls Knowledge, which takes our attention within inside of us and make it possible to experience the ultimate wonder within.
I hope this simple message will help all of us to think about the possibilities in this life. Time has come to understand our existence and enjoy each and every moment. Knowledge can make it possible for all of us to experience Heaven on this planet Earth. ~ Rupesh Churiwal
Saturday, September 11, 2010
"Truest Gift"
What I talk about is something that is simple and yet profound. Some might find it too simple, but that doesn't mean it is not important. I talk about the simplicity of breath and the coming and going of each day in your life. I remind people that each day that comes is one of the most valuable gifts they will ever receive. Incomparable.
For a lot of people that makes sense, and yet it doesn't make sense. We know each day is important, but that's not the way we accept it. The importance of a day is based upon what we have accomplished. Our life has been placed on a scale, and the weights that measure it have been given to us by this world. Everything is judged by failure or success. Yet we have been given a precious gift.

We have anniversaries and birthdays, and we give each other presents. But would you give a gorilla something precious like a diamond ring? Why not? A gorilla has fingers just like you, but a gorilla would never understand its value. Give a gorilla a diamond ring, and he will try to taste it, find it unappetizing, and probably throw it away.
Are we like a gorilla that has been handed the diamond ring of life? In many ways, we do the same thing—taste it and say, "My life is no good. I've got to do this. I've got to accomplish this. I've got to climb this. I've got to be there. I've got to have this title. I've got to have this and that in my life." And what is forgotten is the value of existence, the value of this breath coming every moment and blessing us. This is the blessing. But we don't know how to accept it.

We make everything conditional in our lives: "You're a good son or daughter if you do this, this, and this. You're a good wife or good husband if you do this, this, and this. And you're a good friend if you do this, this, and this." But breath has no conditions. When we are given breath, we are not told, "I'll give you this breath if you do this and this." It is given freely, without judgment.
When you look in the mirror, the face you are looking at is not asking for judgment; it is asking for admiration. It is asking for acceptance—acceptance of this life, acceptance of this breath, acceptance of the simple thirst of this heart.

The joy that you look for, that you search for every day, is searching for you—to embrace you, to accept you, and to fulfill you. I'm here to tell you that the peace you are looking for is inside of you.
Discover this life you've been living. Discover it the way it is meant to be lived—in joy, in gratitude, in beauty. Discover the potential of each day. Discover the rhythm as the sun shines on the horizon, light comes, and awakening happens; and then comes the sunset and sleep—everything is erased andanother day begins. Discover that.
That's what this existence is all about. That's what peace is all about, because peace is not in yesterday and peace is not in tomorrow, but peace is today. Tomorrow is anticipation. Yesterday is just memories. And today is the gift. The truest gift. The most important gift.
For a lot of people that makes sense, and yet it doesn't make sense. We know each day is important, but that's not the way we accept it. The importance of a day is based upon what we have accomplished. Our life has been placed on a scale, and the weights that measure it have been given to us by this world. Everything is judged by failure or success. Yet we have been given a precious gift.

We have anniversaries and birthdays, and we give each other presents. But would you give a gorilla something precious like a diamond ring? Why not? A gorilla has fingers just like you, but a gorilla would never understand its value. Give a gorilla a diamond ring, and he will try to taste it, find it unappetizing, and probably throw it away.
Are we like a gorilla that has been handed the diamond ring of life? In many ways, we do the same thing—taste it and say, "My life is no good. I've got to do this. I've got to accomplish this. I've got to climb this. I've got to be there. I've got to have this title. I've got to have this and that in my life." And what is forgotten is the value of existence, the value of this breath coming every moment and blessing us. This is the blessing. But we don't know how to accept it.

We make everything conditional in our lives: "You're a good son or daughter if you do this, this, and this. You're a good wife or good husband if you do this, this, and this. And you're a good friend if you do this, this, and this." But breath has no conditions. When we are given breath, we are not told, "I'll give you this breath if you do this and this." It is given freely, without judgment.
When you look in the mirror, the face you are looking at is not asking for judgment; it is asking for admiration. It is asking for acceptance—acceptance of this life, acceptance of this breath, acceptance of the simple thirst of this heart.

The joy that you look for, that you search for every day, is searching for you—to embrace you, to accept you, and to fulfill you. I'm here to tell you that the peace you are looking for is inside of you.
Discover this life you've been living. Discover it the way it is meant to be lived—in joy, in gratitude, in beauty. Discover the potential of each day. Discover the rhythm as the sun shines on the horizon, light comes, and awakening happens; and then comes the sunset and sleep—everything is erased andanother day begins. Discover that.
That's what this existence is all about. That's what peace is all about, because peace is not in yesterday and peace is not in tomorrow, but peace is today. Tomorrow is anticipation. Yesterday is just memories. And today is the gift. The truest gift. The most important gift.
Friday, April 16, 2010
"Where Peace Begins"
When I travel and speak to people, my message is about the very real thing that peace is and the possibility of feeling that peace in this life every single day. So where does it begin? Let me tell you a little story that might put it in perspective.
One day a tourist arrived in a very remote village where the people were very simple. The next morning he put his mirror on the wall to shave, but forgot to take it down. Later on, an elderly villager with gray hair, bright eyes, and a beautiful shining face came across the mirror on the wall. He had never seen himself before, and so when he saw his reflection in the mirror, he was mesmerized. “Today,” he thought, “I have seen the face of God.” He left completely happy.
Then came a beautiful young girl. When she saw herself in the mirror, she was taken aback. “I have seen the most beautiful woman on earth, and when I grow up, that’s how I want to look!” Next, a man came along who had lost his father. When he looked in the mirror, he said, “Oh, my God, I saw my father again!” And he took the mirror with him.

Now, these three people who had seen themselves in the mirror started to get very upset. They started arguing, and before long, fights broke out throughout the entire village. Soon everybody was unhappy because whoever looked in the mirror saw something they liked, and they all wanted the mirror for themselves.
Finally, a wise man happened to come along and asked, “Why are you fighting?” One said the mirror showed him God, another that it showed him his father, and others told him what they had seen. So he called for this magical thing, and when he saw it, he smiled, “Do you know what this is? This is a mirror.”

He called the old man and said, “You did not see the face of God. You saw yourself.”
He called the young girl and said, “You did not see the most beautiful woman—you saw yourself.” He called the young man and said, “You thought you saw your father because now you look like him. But it was you.” One by one, he called everyone and he said, “Look. What you see in this mirror, what you like in this mirror, is not the mirror. It’s you!”
How does this story relate to peace? Peace begins with us. Try to understand where the idea of peace came from. Was it somebody’s invention? Was there some intelligent person walking along high mountains somewhere who said, “Peace. That’s a good idea. Let’s have peace.” No.
As long as there have been human beings, there has been a desire for peace. The need for peace comes from within. Peace is the desire of the heart. It is as simple as the coming and going of breath. The movie of life begins with the first breath. And we all know how the movie ends.
We are fascinated by the in-between part. This is what we live for: “Who am I? What am I? What have I accomplished?” That’s all fine, but never, ever forget the importance of where it began and where it ends.
Within you lies the possibility of peace. Peace does not belong to any nation, any society, or any religion. Peace belongs to people like you and me. Where will peace manifest? It will manifest in the cathedral of the heart. That is the only place where peace is welcomed. It is people like you and me who want peace and welcome it in our lives. It is here in our existence that peace resides.
-Prem Rawat (Maharaji)
One day a tourist arrived in a very remote village where the people were very simple. The next morning he put his mirror on the wall to shave, but forgot to take it down. Later on, an elderly villager with gray hair, bright eyes, and a beautiful shining face came across the mirror on the wall. He had never seen himself before, and so when he saw his reflection in the mirror, he was mesmerized. “Today,” he thought, “I have seen the face of God.” He left completely happy.
Then came a beautiful young girl. When she saw herself in the mirror, she was taken aback. “I have seen the most beautiful woman on earth, and when I grow up, that’s how I want to look!” Next, a man came along who had lost his father. When he looked in the mirror, he said, “Oh, my God, I saw my father again!” And he took the mirror with him.

Now, these three people who had seen themselves in the mirror started to get very upset. They started arguing, and before long, fights broke out throughout the entire village. Soon everybody was unhappy because whoever looked in the mirror saw something they liked, and they all wanted the mirror for themselves.
Finally, a wise man happened to come along and asked, “Why are you fighting?” One said the mirror showed him God, another that it showed him his father, and others told him what they had seen. So he called for this magical thing, and when he saw it, he smiled, “Do you know what this is? This is a mirror.”

He called the old man and said, “You did not see the face of God. You saw yourself.”
He called the young girl and said, “You did not see the most beautiful woman—you saw yourself.” He called the young man and said, “You thought you saw your father because now you look like him. But it was you.” One by one, he called everyone and he said, “Look. What you see in this mirror, what you like in this mirror, is not the mirror. It’s you!”
How does this story relate to peace? Peace begins with us. Try to understand where the idea of peace came from. Was it somebody’s invention? Was there some intelligent person walking along high mountains somewhere who said, “Peace. That’s a good idea. Let’s have peace.” No.
As long as there have been human beings, there has been a desire for peace. The need for peace comes from within. Peace is the desire of the heart. It is as simple as the coming and going of breath. The movie of life begins with the first breath. And we all know how the movie ends.
We are fascinated by the in-between part. This is what we live for: “Who am I? What am I? What have I accomplished?” That’s all fine, but never, ever forget the importance of where it began and where it ends.
Within you lies the possibility of peace. Peace does not belong to any nation, any society, or any religion. Peace belongs to people like you and me. Where will peace manifest? It will manifest in the cathedral of the heart. That is the only place where peace is welcomed. It is people like you and me who want peace and welcome it in our lives. It is here in our existence that peace resides.
-Prem Rawat (Maharaji)
Sunday, March 14, 2010
"What It Means to Be Human"

Enjoyment is a tool that can conquer any mountain. When your heart dances, let it. And enjoy it. I guarantee that you will start to notice the difference. And the more you enjoy your life, the simpler it becomes.
Recently, flying through thunderstorms, it was magical. There were beautiful clouds on one side—almost like an opening. There were clouds on the ocean side and clouds on the land side. The sun was shining through. Sometimes just the tips were lit up, and then whole clouds lit up. There was no lightning, just showers. Beautiful rainbows. It looked like something straight out of a book.

I was sitting there, looking at all this. I know exactly what a rainbow is. I can actually tell where there’s going to be a rainbow, if there is going to be one. All it requires is suspended water droplets and the sun. It’s the refraction of the water droplets that makes the rainbow.
And then there’s the clouds. I know exactly what a cloud is—it’s moisture. And as the heat is sent up, the cooling begins, and as it cools, clouds form. Rain is all the humidity that was pushed up into the atmosphere where it gets cooled and falls down.
So I was sitting there thinking, “Yes, I know all that. But why is it so beautiful?”
I enjoy it. All the logic in the world is not equal to taking in what this heart has to offer and enjoying it. The heart is as much a part of you as your brain. Give it the equal time it needs, and your life will begin to change, because one thing that everyone can use, and is most deficient in, is appreciation.
Doctors won’t tell you this. It does not show up on your blood test. But we are all deficient in appreciation. We don’t know the value of the things we have been given. We don’t understand the beauty of this breath. I mean, once you understand the beauty of this breath, how can you not appreciate it?

Then the tears are not always of sorrow. Sometimes they are of joy. And you begin to understand the difference between the two. It is not the emotion of all the darkness, but it is the first rays of light emanating from the heart. A relief. It is the sense of relief the travelers feel when they see their destination in front of them.
A sense of relief. To come home. A sense of relief to have found what you were looking for. You didn’t even know what you were looking for, but, in a moment, you instantly know when you find it: This is it. This is what I was looking for. There’s a tremendous sense of relief.
In a fair, a child gets lost. All the balloons and the toys and the rides were attracting and attracting and attracting. And that was fine, but in a moment of distraction, the child let go of his mother or father’s hand. Now all the excitement of the fair could never compensate for that loss. But imagine the sense of relief when that child sees his father or mother coming toward him. All of a sudden, there is no reason to cry. The sadness turns into joy.
And so, we are who we are. There is the etiquette in this world of how we should be, but we are not that. We are human. What does it mean to be human? I don’t think anybody really knows anymore. Maybe they knew a long time ago, but now it has come down to being proper: how you should eat, how you should greet someone, how you should be seen, how you should show yourself, what you should say.
So many things happen. At the end of the day, we are all human. And the ability to enjoy this life is innate. So begin to enjoy. And that enjoyment can conquer mountains.
Saturday, February 20, 2010

Not too long ago, I had an interview with a magazine. The interviewer was saying that people have so many explanations. I agree. Who is considered good? The one who can come up with the best explanation. People want to explain God. People want to explain life. People want to explain what is good, what is truth, what is salvation. And these are things that can only be felt but not explained.
You cannot explain what life is. You need to feel it. You cannot explain breath. You need to breathe it. You cannot explain water. If you are thirsty, you need to drink it. You cannot explain food. If you are hungry, you need to eat it.
You cannot explain what this existence means. It can only be felt. If you understand that, an entirely different door opens up to you. You begin to understand by feeling — not through explanations. You begin to understand the preciousness of life, the joy, and the truest responsibility to be in gratitude to the most magnificent power that has made it possible for you to be alive. That’s what it means to be alive. Not doubt. Not confusion. Not pain, not suffering, not misery, not darkness. Not sorrow and lamenting and wishing. Being alive means to be crystal clear.
You have imagined this entire existence and what it means. Day after day after day, this monster that you have created could never survive except that you keep feeding it with explanations. Every day, you have to explain what happened, what it means to be alive. Every day, you have excuses for why you were unable to feel gratitude, why you lived another day unconsciously. And before you know it, you run out of days. And then you finally know without a doubt all that you should have done. But now you don’t have the means to do it! People have explanations for that, too: “Life is cruel.”

When you live in the world of explanations, what will you hear? More explanations. And what I am telling you is that more explanations is not what you need. What you need is real water to quench your thirst, not another explanation of water. What you need is real food to satisfy your hunger. Otherwise, you’re going to go hungry from here on out. Satisfying your hunger is not about explanations or ideas or being close to food. If that were the case, hungry people would lean on restaurant walls and be satisfied.
If it won’t work with food, why would it work in the inner realm? Is the hunger for peace an illusion? Or is it real? Is the hunger to be content an illusion? Or is it real? A very good question. And the answer is: It’s not an illusion! It touches every single human being on the face of this earth, and it has been an issue since time immemorial. What people have done is to learn how to evade the issue — not tackle it but evade it.
I tell everyone who will listen to me that you don’t need to evade it. Peace is real, joy is real, contentment is real, and there is a way to get to it. I know. I’ve been talking to people about it for a long time. Don’t take my word for it. Find out for yourself.
Somebody told me, “Here is a person who is very independent.” I said, “He is dependent on being independent.” We would all like to be “independent” because we are so dependent on being independent. Another explanation.

We’re drowning in our own explanations. Why do you have so many explanations? You cannot explain it. Who can? Everybody has an explanation. Why are there people dying? People have explanations. Why are there people hungry in this world? People have explanations. But why do you have so many explanations for these things? Nobody knows.
Feel at home in peace, not in confusion. Feel at home in the feeling, not in explanations. Feel at home in your true self.
If you want to be independent, then be independent of confusion. Be independent of doubt. Be independent of all that is not yours. And feel. Feel reality in its magnificence. Not from fear. Because fear is not yours, either. You were made to behold joy. This is what belongs in this vessel, in this human body. This is what it was made for. Not all the other stuff.
Who you listen to is up to you. That’s always your choice. You can listen to the voice inside of you that says, “Everything is wrong.” Or you can listen to the voice that says, “Be. Be free. Be clear. Enjoy this life.”
Many people will tell you that you don’t have a choice. I know you have a choice. Every day that you hear the two voices, you have a choice which one to listen to. You won’t be able to stop hearing them. But which one you pay attention to is up to you. Know. Understand. And be fulfilled. Every day. No excuses. No explanations. Be fulfilled every single day.
When I talk, people say, “I have never heard that explanation before!” I tell them, “This is not an explanation. I’m offering you the real thing.” Feel it. Feel that peace in your life. This is the real thing. The magazine interviewer asked me, “So, do you just go around showing people pictures of wells?” I said, “No, I make sure that their thirst is quenched. This is the possibility that I present.”
Saturday, February 6, 2010
"The Importance of a Drop"

Today, we are here to listen. It’s good to listen, to think, but I always say that people should experience. When I was a kid, someone in my family used to buy lottery tickets. After buying the tickets, he would say, “We’ll definitely get this number, and then we’ll buy this, we’ll buy that.” There was no end to our happiness as kids, because whatever dream we could imagine, we thought it would happen. Day and night we talked about what we would do. And the day the numbers were in the newspaper, and our number was not there, everything closed down.
This also happens to us. We make our plans. We have big dreams: “We’ll do this; this will happen; that will happen.” Human beings have a brain and can think. Sitting here, through my thoughts I can reach America, Australia, England, Sri Lanka, Delhi. But where am I actually? Then one day, the time comes to go from this world.
Everyone has to go. No one can stay here. You have made things yours, but those things have not accepted you as belonging to them. The car that you say is yours doesn’t say it’s your car. The house that you say is your house doesn’t say that you belong to it. Once you are gone, that home will be someone else’s. Your wealth remains as it is. It just goes from here to there. These are the rules. I did not make them; I’m just talking about them.

A drop falls in the ocean. We don’t give much importance to a drop, but so many rivers are there, and all of them started with a drop. When it rains and there is a flood, even the rain comes drop by drop. And when all the drops come together, they become rivers. A drop cannot harm anyone, but when a drop joins with others, it can destroy cities and countries.
In our life, we are like a drop. We want to unite with the ocean of joy in our heart, but we don’t know how to do it. We can be united with such an ocean; the heart is there in all of us. As long as you are alive, you can experience that joy. Life is about experience, not just words. We have a mind, and we think a lot, but we never think that there is something that is beyond this mind and thought. How can we catch that with this mind? That is why we need to have an experience from the heart.
People say, “You come in this world empty-handed, and you’ll go empty-handed.” I say that you came empty-handed, definitely, but you don’t need to go empty-handed. Take something with you. Take that enjoyment with you. Recognize that supreme joy and then go.
When you understand just how important that is in your life, you will understand your thirst. And the day you experience your thirst, you are not far away from water, because thirst is within you and the water to quench it is also there within you.

I tell people, “Look for it everywhere. Wherever you go, look for it. Find it.” It’s about finding. For the thirsty, it’s about water not the well. I don’t have a well. I have a map. And I have a big spring. Those who are thirsty, come, jump in it.
Being a human being, you can fulfill your life. As long as you have breath, you can fulfill your life. Fulfill your life now. What will happen later on, no one knows. If someone wants help, I can help. You only need to understand your thirst.
I don’t just talk. For those who really want help, I’m ready to help them. I go to different places, and I want there to be happiness in people’s lives. I cannot make your house good or get you a promotion, but you can be happy in your heart. This should happen in everyone’s life.
Prem Rawat(Maharaji)
Saturday, January 30, 2010
"The Face in the Mirror"

Everybody has their own definition of peace. Some people think peace is an absence of noise. Some people think it is absence of wars. Some people think it is a beautiful scene.
If that’s what peace is, there is no shortage of beautiful places in this world. And there are places that are extremely quiet. So why isn’t there peace? Is peace a manifestation of something that happens inside a human being or is peace something on the outside only? This is where we have to slow down, because the definitions are abundant. What is peace? Where does the desire for peace come from? Was it that somebody sat down at their dining room table one day and said, “Good idea to have peace in this world”? Or is peace and the desire for peace innate to every single human being?

This, in my opinion, is the pivotal question because if the desire for peace is innate and fundamental to every human being—like food, like breath, like sleep, like water—then without it, we cannot be. Without it, everything is out of balance. If you put someone in the most beautiful room with an incredible sofa, nice wallpaper, and a view but no air, will they enjoy that room? Or will they bang against the door for someone to let them out?
You cannot explain to them, “Look. Air is a small part of the scene. You have the wallpaper, the room, the sofa, a television. Relax! Enjoy yourself. Why do you care if there is air in there or not?” You can’t see it. But when something fundamental is needed, explanations alone are not sufficient. You cannot explain to a hungry person, “It’s okay.” When you are trying to address something that is very basic to a human being, there are no compromises.
Peace is the same way. A human being without peace is not complete. You were never taught the desire for peace, just as you were never taught to cry. The baby knows how to cry, how to laugh, how to be. These are fundamental things nobody has to teach. The desire for peace is also fundamental. This is who we are. This is our foundation—a need from our heart pushing us to be content every day, to find that missing piece of the puzzle.

If you are putting together a puzzle, and you know there is a piece missing, not which one, you keep trying. That’s what the world is doing. Somebody comes up with a better formula, a better word, a better description, a better book. And people say, “This will do it.”
“If we could all come together and set aside our differences. . .” Great theory. Hasn’t worked. Why? Four kids cannot do it. Have you seen four children come together and put aside their differences? I haven’t. All it takes is one ball, one ice cream, one candy bar…
When we look at a person, we say, “Young, old.” These are our qualifiers. “Indian? American? Italian? Chinese? Japanese? African?” We say, “Where are you from?” We have forgotten how to view a human being. And we have forgotten how to view ourselves. We see a face in the mirror, and we don’t look at the face. We look at the imperfections of the face: “What’s this? What’s that?”
That you exist is a miracle. That this breath comes into you every day is an incredible miracle. And you feel and know and understand. That’s a miracle. In the heart of every human being dances the desire to be in peace. If we want social peace, the first thing that needs to happen is that the cause of the turmoil be taken away. Who fights? People. That’s where the turmoil comes from. If that turmoil has to be taken away, first it has to be taken away in people. People like you and me.

There are people trying to bring peace. Peace does not need to be brought from anywhere because peace exists inside of you. Very humbly, I say to you that what you’re looking for is within you. Peace for you as a human being is entirely possible. Turn within and you will feel it. How? Start with appreciating every day of your life. There is only one thing that can stop the onslaught of unconsciousness, and that is a little bit of consciousness. Live this life with a little bit of consciousness. Be aware of your existence, because all too soon, you won’t have it.
There is no magic wand, because the magic formula has already been unfolded, and it is us—each one of us on the face of this earth. With all our needs and wants, there is one more that has not been identified yet, and that is peace. That’s what we want. Unquestionably, I don’t care who they are—rich or poor, educated or non-educated, tall or short, dark or light—as long as they’re human beings, that’s what they want.
Give it a thought. It’s a very, very special subject to discover in your life.
-Prem Rawat (Maharaji)
Sunday, January 24, 2010
" Fulfillment in Every Breath"

Every day that we exist, there is one wish from within that never changes—the wish to be content. No matter what we have gone through. No matter what we have had and not had. No matter what people have been in our life—loved ones who are there or have gone. With all the changes we have been through, that one inner desire to be fulfilled has never changed. And it will never change. we can count on that.
we have the ability to see; we have the ability to understand. Look at our life. Open our eyes. Open our heart. Open the gates of our understanding. It isn’t a question of analysis. It’s a question of observing what is. Understand what we have been given. we’ll never be able to analyze it, but we can observe it. we can admire it. we can see its beauty, its simplicity.

If we’re going to build our house, that is the place to lay the foundation. Don’t lay the foundation in quicksand and then say, “What happened to my house?” Our house will be gone. Find that solid surface—the desire to be content. And build your house on that—as big as you want. Make big plans. Make it huge. It doesn’t matter, because this is one ground that’ll take anything you throw its way.
People think courage is required. It is, but what courage? Our ability to overcome our fear is our courage. There are thieves who have courage. Is that a good use of courage? There are people who climb buildings vertically. They overcome their fear. Is that what courage is? For what? There is an elevator. I can come up and down too.

This is how our world is set up. If somebody does something that most of us can’t do, that’s really special. Most people can talk, so if we hear somebody talking, it’s not a big deal. But not all of us can sing, so if we hear somebody with a good voice, we think, “Wow! That’s good.” And it goes like that. If somebody went to the moon, we think, “Wow! they’re really special; they went to the moon.” Everybody wants to be special in their own way. They want to be different: “I can do something that nobody else can do.”
But there is something that we can do and everybody else can do, too—that we can enjoy and everybody else can enjoy.We can find our satisfaction, our joy, our fulfillment in every breath. It is better than a song. It really is better than going to the moon. It is better than the best. And every human being on the face of this earth can accomplish that. That’s what makes us special. Not just that we can sing, because one day we won’t be able to sing.

Recently, I saw some old‑time singers. They were singing, but they were out of tune. I’m sure they were incredible once. When all that goes, what remains? There is a connection with something within that will be there till the very end. Then being old doesn’t matter because the heart is full. Fill this existence with that. Fill the life with that beauty.
I’ve learned a number of things over the years, and one of them is that not much actually changes. There are people who love their life, but they still love to complain. They complain because this is what they have practiced, and they’ve gotten good at complaining. I just wish they would have gotten used to appreciating, to gratitude, and practiced that. It’s really important.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
" By Design "

Maharaji's message is not entwined in a philosophy. It does not come from a book. It is not a concept or an idea. It is based on one thing: you are alive. And because you are alive, there is a possibility that you can be content. You can have a joy in your life that is unaffected by anything, a joy that is independent of everything.
For some people, betterment means having a better job, being more successful or more productive. For some, betterment means having a better family, a bigger house or bigger car. But think about it: who are we? We are here on this planet Earth for a limited time. We think we will live forever, but that is just an illusion.
The reality is that one day you weren’t. Then you were born. Today, you exist. And one day, you will have to go. It’s a universal rule. Nobody is exempt. It applies to everyone, whether you are poor or rich, educated or not. It doesn’t matter.

Do you know who you are? Somebody calls your name and you say, “Yes, that’s me.” But have you understood that within you there is magic unfolding, and this magic is the reality of your existence?
Before you were born, everybody wondered, “Boy or girl?” But when you actually came into this world, everybody’s focus was only one: breathing or not? And when you leave this world, everybody will watch for that last thing: breathing or not.
So, what is the big deal about breath? The big deal is: Without it, you are nothing. And with it, you are everything. With it, you can be an uncle, a father or a mother, a son or a daughter; you can be successful or a failure. You can laugh or cry. And without it, you are dust.
As long as there is breath, you’re not dust. With breath, you can say, “Come in! Welcome! Good morning!” Without it? People will say, “Take it away.”
The big deal is: Here is the most incredible blessing, and we don’t pay attention to it. We pay attention to what we consider a blessing: “Give me a child, give me a job, give me this, give me that.” But you are more blessed than you realize. And the day you begin to count your blessings, you will be amazed. That is when you will understand what it really means to be thankful. When the heart is truly full and you begin to understand, confusion vanishes and clarity comes. You begin to see the simplicity of existence. It’s not about success and failure, but being grateful for this life.
Some people say, “My purpose in life. . .” Not your purpose in life. What is the purpose of you having life? What is this?

This body, due to breath, moves and dances and feels. All day long you’re feeling, feeling, feeling. You feel cold, hot, soft, rough. You are a feeling machine. And everyhuman being longs to feel joy. Since we were little, we wanted to feel that, even before we had a name for it.
The human heart is filled with a joy that you can feel whenever you want to, wherever you are-a joy that you can never have enough of. Do you know that you cannot tolerate sadness very well? You’re not made for it. When you are sad, you want to leave it as soon as possible. Joy—no problem. You would think that would give you a little clue as to what you are about. The clue is: there is no limit to joy, and we are extremely allergic to pain and suffering.
Have you found the source of endless joy? It is not far from you—by design. If you have a longing for joy, it would be pointless to have the source of that joy inaccessible to you. So, in the clever design of this life, the source of joy goes with you wherever you go.
Enjoyment in this life is a possibility. There are no restrictions. Find that infinite source of joy within you.
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